• I am not going in, now I know where the other one is ... Blush. So you can still use my bat  for another hour before tea ... Smile.

  • I just thought it would be a good idea to explain in case I comfused anyone.

     I could see the 2 puffins in the holes its just that It wasnt clear to me that we wernt meant to be counting the birds that are on the cliff that  are black and white whos faces was hidden to me on the cliff.   with the majority of them they  only looked like black and white bodys from my device at the time in the group on the cliff. 

      I had counted as many birds as I could count  but I didnt count all the birds.  I also just wanted to help stelathy (even though)  I also played cause its one of my favourate games. 

    cause  it was  a puffin theme I thought I should count the crowd (aswell)  just in case since half the heads and  bodys wernt looking in my direction from how It looked on my device at the time 

    under normal circanstances I would of understood the photo and the spot the puffin game alot better and not comfused anyone.

    im actualy good at spot the animal etc games its just cause  im not thinking as well as I normaly do cause of my cold 

    Iv been making lots of rather strange and funny mistakes   I wouldnt usualy make even when I dont have a cold the majority of this week  so its only naturalI I mistakenly counted  40 something and up  on a spot the bird game  this week 

    I dont want anyone doubting there eyesight and thinking they might of missed something cause of my comment so I thought I should clear up the comfusion 

  • Good to see the pigeons LOL

    I only found the two, so I don't need an early visit to the optician, plus lots of guillemots.