Well that's another year done and dusted, hope it wasn't too bad a year for you all.
Link to last years
Hope it's gonna be another 12 months of fantastic visitors to the garden...Will soon be time to start sewing seeds again ..woohoo.
And to kick off the new post I have had Song Thrush in the garden daily
Daily visits from Redwings
Woodie on tipytoes
Greylag ?..A think
A wee fuzz ball
Och a could go on and on but that will do for now me thinks
Well a gotta squeeze Jock in lol
Thanks for looking and best wishes to you all for the year ahead ;-)
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
I reckon you should put some more feeders up... might attract a few more birds
I have actually just ordered another Squirrel buster feeder to put on the other apple tree...arrives Friday
my turn to pmsl
which is a worry at my age!!
It's a lovely memory for hogmanay 2024
I'm glad to be a part of the celebrations, even from afar lol .... you never know, I might make it passed 9pm this year
Am already in ma pj's so tae hell way it aww
Best wishes to you and yours PB
And to you missus.... cya on the other side
Amazing Linda, I don't see that many in a week . Happy New Year.