Well that's another year done and dusted, hope it wasn't too bad a year for you all.
Link to last years
Hope it's gonna be another 12 months of fantastic visitors to the garden...Will soon be time to start sewing seeds again ..woohoo.
And to kick off the new post I have had Song Thrush in the garden daily
Daily visits from Redwings
Woodie on tipytoes
Greylag ?..A think
A wee fuzz ball
Och a could go on and on but that will do for now me thinks
Well a gotta squeeze Jock in lol
Thanks for looking and best wishes to you all for the year ahead ;-)
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
am sure you see the odd one in your travels BD Am laid up for the 2nd time with this bloody winter cough and cold but that won't keep me away from the windows to watch ma birds lol. Aww glad you and Billy are having a nice time at your sisters ....and blue sky ....you must be near SM or sumin lol. Best wishes for the year ahead BD x
Linda257 said: blue sky ....you must be near SM or sumin
Lucky sopt that, 3 together. Hope you feel better soon from that horrid cold. Forcast for us is a few days, nice 2 days rain and Wednesday and Thursday, snow, if the forecast is as shown (XC Wearher) it looks horrendous! Take care
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
3 that's impressive Linda, a bird I have never had in the garden . Nice to get the shot with all of them.
Thanks CL, it's no too bad the day so far minus temps on its way woohoo
Thanks SM, I o lying got up to look cos a could hear one drumming then go a nice wee surprise, perhaps that's the best tree for drumming and the other 2 where waiting their turn
That look so nice !
Well done Linda to get a photo of all three, you can now rename the tree the 3GSW why not, I renamed a tree near where we live the Linnet Tree as I have seen it quite a few times full of Linnets, I Hope you had a lovely Christmas Linda and all the very best for 2025,
Thanks ILR, hope you had a lovely time too. Best wishes for the year ahead