Brandon Marsh Starling Murmurations 17 December

It was back for another viewing of a starling murmuration a couple of days later. But this time to try and video the spectacular.

As always, there is never a guarantee that the starlings will appear, but always a chance, and as always, I aim to make the best of the morning, I was quite happy to see and record whatever was there.

A new day dawns, but no sunrise

And the morning didn't disappoint.

First video, click HERE, was the pre-flight warm up and dawn chorus.

This next video, click HERE, the starlings taking flight.

Plenty of wigeon flying in this morning, along with the high level of waterfowl on the pools was good to  see, considering the recent flooding and high water levels.

Mrs Goosander dropped in for a nice long stay.

The dinosauromonts were also quite active, both on the water and in the air.

Mrs Mallard looking rather resplendent in her orange glow plumage. Yes, she was a different shade to her fellow females, and the colour effect wasn't early morning sun, cos we never had any early morning sun. I'd lay odds on if there was a sunrise, it would have been very radiant......

That was Mrs M's attire.

My sightings for that morning:

  • Tawny Owl, heard calling, but not seen
  • Gadwall
  • Teal
  • Wigeon
  • Buzzard
  • Cormorant
  • Little Grebe
  • Tufted Duck
  • Goosander (F)

Another fab morning to follow.