Cornwall Wildlife 2023 pt3 The Lizard (and not the reptile)

If you’ve managed to survive the first posting of Cornwall Wildlife 2023 pt1 The Eden Project (long report may need bookmarking), for those who missed, PT1 CLICK HERE, and Cornwall Wildlife 2023 pt2 PT2 CLICK HERE to view either.

A memory jogger of last year’s Cornwall wildlife, have a look at: Cornwall Holiday Wildlife, click HERE.

In case I forget later, any species ID corrections are always gratefully appreciated

23rd September The Lizard

I know some of you are getting, well, teased (or is that be tired), at the fabulous sights Cornwall offers.

I’m under no illusions, Cornwall has its share of scars, like any county has. While some do get a new lease of life, while others…..

Even a wet day can give fantastic views, like the next two taken back in August 2008....

From the outside, just before the rain....

from the inside...

The 23rd, a trip to The Lizard, Britain’s most southerly point,

There was live music, in the form of a local group of singers, singing sea shanties. But not as famous as Fisherman's Friends...

and what better than to start with a cuppa at Britain’s most southerly cafe, with a sea view, plus grey seal watching in the bay below….

The lighthouse still looks splendid, and if you get the chance, well worth taking a tour inside. Sadly the old engines etc have been removed, but the views from the light room are stunning. We didn’t this time, I doubt I’d get up and down the stairs, but I’m happy to have those memories, both on a sunny day and a ‘very’ wet day.

The view from inside the lighthouse, on a hot sunny day...

The view to the lighthouse this time, was just as sunny.

A couple of female grey seals (cow grey seals to be correct) were just bathing in the sea by the old derelict lifeboat house. Camera poised, nicely sat down, and crack, the wooden bench collapsed!

A bruised bum, but the camera was spared, and I’m grateful to the three gents who helped me back up on my feet. The manageress was very apologetic (and probably very embarrassed with it being a full cafe, inside and out) and did everything she could to ensure my wife and myself were as comfortable as possible.

Sods law, we’d not long had lunch in a pub in The Lizard village before venturing down to Lizard Point.

But I did manage to get the grey seal photos.

Though a wide angled photo, that was more or less the view of the bay and old derelict lifeboat house to the naked eye.

A typical Cornish lane, narrow, high sides and plenty of fauna.


Starting with Hebe Silver Queen [Hebe x franciscana],

Sea Purslane [Sesuvium portulacastrum]


  • Great to see the seals Mike. My best memory of our visit was looking over the path wall south of the cafe to see a Chough sitting on the ground. Not sure who was most surprised... Only time I have seen one, managed to get one reasonable photo before it was off.
  • Another lovely set of photos Mike..thanks for sorting and sharing. Cornwall really looks beautiful even on a miserable day ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • You've certainly given us a full flavoured taste of the area Mike, thanks for taking the time to sort and post your images... You've heard of Homers Odyssey.... How about Mike's Oddities Rofl I think me and Mrs PB are tossing up between Wales and Cornwall.... Or a Scottish island cruise maybe .... Certainly provided food for thought Thinking
  • SnappyMac said:
    Great to see the seals Mike. My best memory of our visit was looking over the path wall south of the cafe to see a Chough sitting on the ground. Not sure who was most surprised... Only time I have seen one, managed to get one reasonable photo before it was off.

    I can imagine your excitement on seeing the choughs. Cornwall I think was the first county where they started to become resident.

    My first sighting was at South Stack on Anglesey, they hadn't been long resident there, and had the first chick, which I was lucky enough to photograph.

  • Linda257 said:
    Another lovely set of photos Mike..thanks for sorting and sharing. Cornwall really looks beautiful even on a miserable day ;-)

    You're welcome Linda.

  • PimperneBloke said:
    You've certainly given us a full flavoured taste of the area Mike, thanks for taking the time to sort and post your images... You've heard of Homers Odyssey.... How about Mike's Oddities I think me and Mrs PB are tossing up between Wales and Cornwall.... Or a Scottish island cruise maybe .... Certainly provided food for thought

    I  have.

    Cornwall has a lot to offer, for young and old alike, but so does Wales, and likewise Scotland is definitely not one to ignore either.....

    Ooops, I think I've just made the decisions even harder.

    OK, break the bank, how's this for a suggestion, do all three....

    Next problem, when....

    They all look good all year through, to narrow it down a little, avoid the midges, Scotland spring or autumn, though winter can be just as beautiful.....