Brandon Marsh Saturday 11th November; Remembrance Day

Another perfect start, and the starlings taking flight…

Did someone say they missed  my sunrise photos  Thinking

The sunrise over one of the pools,

I think, and any corrections gratefully received, a herring gull?

The low autumn sun casting yet another fabulous glow on the trees, plus a lovely reflection on the water

Now, this was definitely the 11th November, a warm sunny morning, and yes, there was a plentiful showing of red admiral butterflies, posing nicely to catch the sun so they could warm up and continue their quest.

  • I was me me me lol...such lovely lighting Mike...must be some spectacle to see all them starlings ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Linda257 said:
    I was me me me lol...such lovely lighting Mike...must be some spectacle to see all them starlings ;-)

    It was, and will always be a spectacle watching starlings gather. I think the most fascinating part, not something you hear in the evening murmurations, is the noise as the warm up among the reeds and prepare to become airborne. It sounds almost like traffic passing by.

    As for the spectacular formations, there is the chance of a quick view, but evening time is the best for the aeronautical displays, they're too busy seeking out breakie....

    Worth a chance if you can to witness an early morning murmuration. Here, locally we've agreed that you need to be in place at least 30 mins before sunrise. They seem to become active 15-20 mins before sunrise, and once they start to get airborne, it is quick, all over in a few seconds.

  • that is cooll that you mamaged to see the Starling murmuration. although not the same kind of rememberance as remembersnce day coincidentaly you saw the murmerstion on rememberance day and since murmerations can be fascinateing to watch seeing
    the murmuration is something you are unlikely to forget and likely to remember.