Catch-Up Post #5 Ferrybridge 22/11

So, Mrs PB was at work, so I tootled down to the sea side

First up, from the car park, Rock Pipit

Normally I go round the lagoon side of the road first, but the tide seemed quite a long way out, so I crossed the road, and ventured toward Portland Harbour.... there was obviously a shoal of something

And on the shoreline

And about 10 yards further along...a right mix n match!


Lots of Cormorants

And gulls... concentrating hard!

I'd never noticed Cormorant tail use in landing before...

With the numerous Cormorants busying themselves about the shoal were a dozen or so Red Breasted Merganser

I didn't see this until it had taken off and was flying away from the shore, Bar Tailed Godwit

Sometimes even birds need to exercise

And sometimes you notice the shoal has moved!

Ringed Plover, unusual for this side of the road

More gull action

Mmmm more brunch

There were a couple of Goosander spotted the same day, so I was wondering if this might have been one I accidentally caught? (white plumage up the cheek, and the Mergansers were all darker/speckled on the front, although the sun could be deceptive here)

Waggies always seem to be present here

As do Carrotbills

It was so cold, even the Oystercatchers had dew-drops!

Meadow Pipit on the bank

About half a dozen people were oblivious as they walked along, to the visitor atop a mast in the boatyard, barely 10 yards from the path

A cyclist spooked him

A recent rarity for me

I crossed the road to the Fleet, and the high tide was still a good couple of hours away so I meandered across the uncovered sands, taking care not to spook the small number of waders (unlike some other bloke who just stomped straight across to get to Chesil Bank)


Ringed Plover


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is me all caught up (but I think there are some days out back in the summer I haven't sorted too, so if there's rubbish weather on any upcoming days off, I may revisit them!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed

Stay Safe All