Catch-Up Post #2 12/11

So me and Mrs PB were up in Suffolk staying at the Eels Foot Inn (thanks Clare for the recommendation), 2 minutes from Minsmere reserve. We arrived Sunday, early afternoon, and I decided I deserved a pint or 2 and we were both peckish so had lunch too. We then went for a little mooch about to see what was what... it was beginning to get dark and Storm Whatever-It-Was-Called was still making itself felt

If you peer closely through the gloom, and squint a bit, my deer looks as sharp and gorgeous as Bob's do!

And even further away than the deer, was a pheasant... nearly as colourful as Snappy's last one!!!

Talking of Snappy... I seem to have taken a load of pictures of different fungi, and I blame him for all his fabulous pictures causing me to notice more! There is a small graveyard in the village

I've no idea what any of them are (and to be honest I won't remember what they are if anyone was to tell me lol)

Heading back to the pub, I spotted a silhouette, and in the background it must've been approaching bed time

From the pub garden, looking out over Minsmere (I'm guessing it's sort of Island Mere Hide area) we witnessed one of Mother Nature's marvels

The stills don't do it any justice at all, and when I work out how YouTube works, I'll post the phone video I took.

Mrs PB said, "I'm happy, we can go home now"!! but instead we went for a pint to set us up for the following day!

Gloomy but an awesome experience!

Stay Safe All