Bearded Reedlings at Minsmere.

Another attempt to see Bearded Reedlings at Minsmere, this time successful even though the weather suggested otherwise, cool, breezy and cloudy.

A reward for a relatively early start though. My Merlin App told me there were Birds about ( I can't hear high pitched calls any more these days.) so I waited until I saw movement in the reeds and followed it along the path near South Hide, every now and then one would pop up very briefly and give me a chance of a shot.

Not sure if this is a juvenile or female or both.

After that I went along to a bird ringing demonstration by the North Bushes. While I watched three Lesser Redpoll, a Blackcap and a Bluetit were processed.

On release this Redpoll sat in the hand for a few seconds before making a very undignified take off, it was fine once it got going.

Yet another good day at Minsmere.

Best Wishes,
