Another rewarding trip to Minsmere.

Another trip to Minsmere, this time looking for Bearded Reedlings, but no luck this time. But I soon forgot the Beardies though.

A Chiffchaff in the morning sun.

Magpie not looking it's best.

From South Hide lots of Godwits and my first shot of Black and Bar-tailed with the plumage differences showing clearly, with the one Bar-tailed out in front.

Down in the dunes Hobbies were after the abundant Dragonflies. It was breezy so the Hobbies were virtually hovering at times.

Dispute between a couple of Chiffchaffs.

Along with the Hobbies a hovering Kestrel.

The Stonechats were also in pursuit of insects making regular leaps into the air.

Lastly a Migrant Hawker sunning itself.

Another rewarding day at Minsmere and again not enough time to visit two of the main hides, Bittern Hide and Island Mere.

Best Wishes,
