Should I wish you all a merry Xmas the now??

Not many details!

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Tuesday, so less 'WFH' hopefully. I was discussing this with someone yesterday. I've always been a fan of home working.....but it needs to be measurable.....e.g. most I.T. Admin type stuff should never be home working unless it can be measured.....most of it can't be and won't be. There are already cases of people WFH doing more than one 'Full Time Job'......and I don't just mean MPs!
  • I have just got off phone to them so they NOW know

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks. Which dept?

    Incase anyone doesn't know, rather than clicking on every message to then flag as spam, if you want to flag posts as spam, it's easier to click on the user name. Flag them as spam/abuse, then display their activities. You then get a list which you can then use to flag each post as spam without having to keep going in and out of posts. Also leaves the spam as 'unviewed'.......
  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    I still think the community should be 'members only'. I also still think the site should be shut down, broken links and all, unless/until there is an appropriate level of moderation.....if it isn't going to be made members only......

    That is what I’ve always said. As this has happened twice before, possibly more. But I’m in the minority. So for those that don’t agree with my views!! What would you suggest! I’ve got no idea! So if the RSPB won’t have full time moderators like they used to on this forum! This will happen over and over again, such as now! So if you don’t want a shutdown permanently of this forum. What would you suggest! I’ve said many times that this should be an RSPB members only forum as well! Also as I’ve said the RSPB support there Facebook and Twitter accounts more than on this forum with replies from RSPB staff/moderators on a regular basis. Also most of the reserves that still have there own regular section on this forum but with most of these sections with reserves, staff from those reserves now rarely post and some reserves never have any posts/blogs at all from staff/volunteers and again  when this forum started, those reserves regularly had up to date news regularly on this forum. Most RSPB reserves now mainly post on the RSPB Facebook and Twitter websites. Although a few still have up to date news from some reserves such as Minsmere. So that’s my view. So if this community forum is to continue. What would you all suggest, as now I’ve no idea what can be done, on top of I’ve said before and now!



  • I phoned headoffice and they put me through to IT department or department that could help shes said lol..she could see it for herself as I was on phone

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks. The 'help' obviously deem it as low priority.
  • Yeah ..maybe they are just flagging like us in hope that it goes away!. I estimated 20 pages worth when a spoke to her and said it had been bombarded from Sunday and flagging is doing nothing...I got a nervous laugh from her and she said she would get it numbers are going up and up by the minute

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Linda257 said:

    I phoned headoffice and they put me through to IT department or department that could help shes said lol..she could see it for herself as I was on phone

    Well if they have seen this! What are the RSPB going to do about on a permanent basis for the long term and not just the short term as at present! As this has happened at least twice! What are the RSPB going to do to stop this happening again and again. As this will surely happen in future years if nothing is done in the long term! It’s ok phoning the IT department if this was sorted out for the long term. I knew this would happen again as I’ve said this many times before. So again I ask what would you do to stop this happening again as this will surely happen in future years, other than shutting down this forum permanently!



  • If I worked in IT I would have an answer for you Ian...I know the inside parts of a computer much better than I know software so am afraid I do not have the solution.

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Perhaps someone decided just to let the spam build to give them a reason to shut the community...who knows

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)