Should I wish you all a merry Xmas the now??

Not many details!

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • we will just have to wait and see what happens after they respond to my email 

  • Linda257 said:
    I see the ridiculous pixilated video has finally disappeared from it main page only took....about a month?...wonder how they found out it was sooo bad and embarrassing lol

    i did notice that video and iv noticed  it has gone aswell. 

  • Zo Clark said:

    stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:

    Zo Clark said:

    they exspected the website changes not to effect the community


    Exactly this, Zo. Why is the above correct?

    It is correct because no one checked, or didn't do a good enough job, of checking the community links to know it was going to be affected.

    I don't think a web designer or anyone skilled needs to be asked.....common sense should tell anyone that the community will have links intertwined with the site that was changed.....

    I don't think it can be excused that 'no one is aware'. There is no valid argument to explain why they wouldn't be.

    I neither  agree or disagree  with what people have said or nescaceraly think it can be excused that they arnt aware but now  iv brought them up on the links  and they have the links that dont work even if it shouldnt be this way that iv had  to adress the link problom that has ocured cause of the mistakes that resulted in the eror with the links in order to get it fixed but  now we will just have to wait and see what there response is and if they do get the links fixed. im not getting my hopes up or exspecting disapointment. since  I dint know how it will turn out its just waiting for there response and see what there response is and what happens and if they do get fixed or not. we will just have to see what happens 

    Again! We all know that you asked the RSPB! That’s well known!



  • i didnt say i would contact them about it and i hadnt contacted them until today so people wouldnt of known. people  knew i contacted them to ask if it will afect our ability to sign in to the community when the website changes some time ago before the website change. the link issue happened after the main site chamged and  i hadnt decided to email them until recently so i emailed them and adressed the link thing even though  i shouldnt really have to do that and  see what happens like i said. i will let people know what they say and then go from there 

  • Zo Clark said:

    Iv replyed to there email and asked if it will afect the community or not

    18th September 2023.



  • that was about if we will still be able to sign in or not since we wouldnt of  been able to on the main site when they start the changes and that was before they commented on here.  its now October the website has changed so its been some time ago since.  and there is now a problom with the links so i suggested to stealthy about adressing it directly to the RSPB but i didnt say  i was going to adress it ti them cause i wasnt going to at the time. and then recently- this week I  decided to go directly to them and adress it. I emailed the supporter people today and then i let people know iv adressed the link issue afterwards.

    i will let people know when they respond and then we will just have to see what happens like I said 

  • Do you think that this has not been done before. I don’t want to say this. But I feel I have to. You do seem to be always liking to inform members of this forum, about things that members of this forum know already. And I know how i feel! I didn’t want to post this! But I felt I had to!



  • Well done Zo for battling on with this and raising with RSPB staff. You shouldn't feel the need to, and no one should have to. It shouldn't have made it 'live'. If UAT was done as has been suggested prior to other upgrades/rollouts, issues like broken links would have been picked up. I'm afraid 'lessons being learned' never are though.
  • Another strange moment on here. So I identified a muscovy duck ..the poster replied to say thanks....I accidentally clicked on 'this has helped me'  instead of 'like', tried to unclick and now I can't even view the post 

    But still on main page !


    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • And it only shows 1 reply...very strange indeed.....can anyone else click on the post and read it?

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)