Should I wish you all a merry Xmas the now??

Not many details!

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Basic human error/broken links still not working. Really poor.
  • It’s always been the same. How long it will be corrected if indeed that happens! Goodness only knows!



  • i stopped by to make  a suggestion to Stealthy not sealthy what about adressing it directly to the wildlife enquires team or membership but havnt had a reply yet as to what he thinks of the sugestion so iv decided  since they are still not working and it afects the community even though i dont really use them Iv gone strait to the membership team and adressed the problom directly 

  • Sorry Zo. Not been on here much in the last few weeks.

    Re writing to RSPB to point out basic mistakes which shouldn't have happened.....not something I'm willing to do. If people don't know what they are doing, it isn't for me to point it out to them.

    Broken links are a basic human error. Basic in that they shouldn't happen. Everyone makes mistakes, but it was also a human error in that there wasn't QCing done, so a supervisor also made a basic error......and as has been pointed out, there clearly hasn't been much in the way of 'post rollout checks'.

    Broken links are easy to avoid and just as easy to fix. It is really poor that, as I say, the mistakes were made, but even worse that they are still there and implementers are oblivious.

    The upgrade/rollout will have been closed off as 'successful'.
  • Zo Clark said:

    i stopped by to make  a suggestion to Stealthy not sealthy what about adressing it directly to the wildlife enquires team or membership but havnt had a reply yet as to what he thinks of the sugestion so iv decided  since they are still not working and it afects the community even though i dont really use them Iv gone strait to the membership team and adressed the problom directly 

    Im afraid I just wont read all those links. The problem we shouldn’t all have to wait that long! We’ve all tried similar things in the past! But the website changes and most importantly part of the reserve  listing are worse now than what they were. So just posting lots and lots of links of which I won’t bother to look at all. One or two links yes or maybe. Thinking But posting lots of links for myself I will not look at. This has been happening for years. Maybe there will be some improvements. But I wonder if that will be the case! Again a long post of which is not quick and to the point would be a better post. As I just can’t or won’t read all those list of links. Other have done this before to some of the management including emailing the former CEO direct and that made no difference!



  • i didnt add it for people to look at all the links.  i added the screenshot to show i sent the membership people  the links that  dont work.  aswell as the links to the  pages on this forum it was adressed on and even though people say the rspb  should really check the links themselfs they exspected the website changes not to effect the community and thefore the thread is  are unlikely to possibly be checked on for some time and the links unlikely to. e fixed unless adressed directly so there aware it has afected the links in the community

  • Zo Clark said:
    i didnt add it for people to look at all the links i added the screenshot to show i sent them the links the dont work aswell as the pages on this forum it was adressed on and even though people say they should really check the links themselfs they exspected the website changes not to effect the community and thefore the threads are unlikely to possibly be fixed unless adressed directly so there aware it has afected the links in the community

    Lots of us have done that for years. Including emailing direct to management and to former CEO of the RSPB of which I had a reply. But that made no difference. You’ve mentioned about contacting the RSPB! We all know that. Lots of members on this forum including myself have done this over many years, including emailing management as well as the former CEO. That made no difference. But I’ve learnt from over the last 10 years, that nothing changed at all and in fact everything was worse on this forum and now the homepage on the RSPB website and most importantly the list of RSPB reserves is much worse! I repeated this to you many times! Also I will say this again! Many of the former long time community forum members left this forum over the many years because of similar problems as this. At one time this forum was so easy to use. After every upgrade it has been much worse.



  • Zo Clark said:

    they exspected the website changes not to effect the community


    Exactly this, Zo. Why is the above correct?

    It is correct because no one checked, or didn't do a good enough job, of checking the community links to know it was going to be affected.

    I don't think a web designer or anyone skilled needs to be asked.....common sense should tell anyone that the community will have links intertwined with the site that was changed.....

    I don't think it can be excused that 'no one is aware'. There is no valid argument to explain why they wouldn't be.

  • I see the ridiculous pixilated video has finally disappeared from it main page only took....about a month?...wonder how they found out it was sooo bad and embarrassing lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:

    Zo Clark said:

    they exspected the website changes not to effect the community


    Exactly this, Zo. Why is the above correct?

    It is correct because no one checked, or didn't do a good enough job, of checking the community links to know it was going to be affected.

    I don't think a web designer or anyone skilled needs to be asked.....common sense should tell anyone that the community will have links intertwined with the site that was changed.....

    I don't think it can be excused that 'no one is aware'. There is no valid argument to explain why they wouldn't be.

    I neither  agree or disagree  with what people have said or nescaceraly think it can be excused that they arnt aware but now  iv brought them up on the links  and they have the links that dont work even if it shouldnt be this way that iv had  to adress the link problom that has ocured cause of the mistakes that resulted in the eror with the links in order to get it fixed but  now we will just have to wait and see what there response is and if they do get the links fixed. im not getting my hopes up or exspecting disapointment. since  I dint know how it will turn out its just waiting for there response and see what there response is and what happens and if they do get fixed or not. we will just have to see what happens