Should I wish you all a merry Xmas the now??

Not many details!

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I know anyone can see that on the RSPB Homepage!



  • My main criticism is about the new RSPB reserve listings from me in another post I’ve done.. When any organisations say they want to refresh something as the RSPB have said at times. That worries me a lot. Which means often is less detail and items left out as has happened before. That’s why I hate that word for change to anything as that often means less! As as happened in a big wayto the RSPB’s quarterly magazine. What was once a top class magazine, decades ago with serious thoughtful articles are now just a campaign tool for RSPB and no serious article as used to be the case. I never read the RSPB quarterly maazine now. I subscribe to the monthly British Birds Journal often complex and serious article by top class professional ornithologists as well as some really good amateurs. And no sentimental reaction to wildlife and birds. But by science and management with article on all sorts of top class ornithologists bird watchers including distribution of UK Birds with scientific ideas of management to protect birds and no sentiment but with pragmatic ideas without using sentimental reasons for protecting everything.



  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    It seems as part of this change, the following no longer exists...

    someone else called Trevor had the 404 error page as well it was on a post similar to this one but the comment is gone now. so your not the only one that gets that eror. I don’t know what RSPB page is clicked on to get to that 404 page and I don’t get the 404 eror. Yes could be cause a page was moved during the change Or something else to do with the change for it to give a eror  a page your looking for can’t be found. I have been suspecting the change might likely have to do with it anyway before it was even mentioned.  Im not 100 percent certain but its most likely the change could well have  something to do with the erors. I don’t know if a page is  missing or been removed   or not either but either way weather a page is actually missing or removed or  not at least it has options to redirect you to the actual homepage  if you find the page with that eror anyway 

  •  This gives you an idea about the type of subjects that British Birds Journal published. I can also have access to all the British Birds Journals way back to the first British Birds Journal in 1907. There also lots of other useful resources that you get online with British Birds Journal which is excellent.



  • These are some of the subject you get with the British birds journal,



  • And these are some of the resources you can get!



    This link gives details about the subscription rates. It is not cheap. But anyone who is a serious birdwatcher. This is the journal for serious birdwatchers. As I said again the yearly and monthly subscriptions are not cheap!



  • This was a thread that I started in 2022 about the British Birds Journal!



  • Zo Clark said:

     I don’t know what RSPB page is clicked on to get to that 404 page and I don’t get the 404 eror.

    It is under 'quick links' on any post you read or reply to, near the bottom of the page. It is a now faulty link....worked prev but the address no longer exists now due to changes RSPB made.....

  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:

    Zo Clark said:

     I don’t know what RSPB page is clicked on to get to that 404 page and I don’t get the 404 eror.

    It is under 'quick links' on any post you read or reply to, near the bottom of the page. It is a now faulty link....worked prev but the address no longer exists now due to changes RSPB made.....

    ok. thanks. i didnt use the quick links when it used to work. what page did it lead to exactly? for example was it the homepage page  or a diferent page on the website or something like that?