Grey Mare's Tale

So not doubt most of you may have heard a whisper I was at Dumfries and Galloway yesterday on a I visited 2 years ago (some of you may remember) and I thought the drive was bad enough then but decided to go back and get myself up the Grey Mare's Tail and ofcourse to see a Golden Eagle (isn't that on everyone's wish list).

So upon our arrival carparks were a we tad busy but happy to see mountain rescue vans sitting just incase lol

Just out the car having my sandwich taking in the surroundings listening for any wildlife 

Light lunch done...£3 in the parking meter,  footwear changed,  cameras in hand and it was time to put one foot infront of the other.....

Across the wee bridge

You can just see a wee tail sticking out...mouse/ratty it was too fast for me

Then onto the dodgy steps the 1st of many

I tried to take as many pics as I could but the further we got up the less I could look as it was mostly concentrating on my feet and my heart that was in my mouth lol

As you can see ..rather dodgy steps...your going up and folk coming down at same time

Other half was leading the way as always lol

Camera got put away until we got to the top

And a lovely scene it was Loch Skeen

We made it hooray...

Legs still like jelly after  30 mins or so it was time to head back down

Looking across the loch you can just see 2 wee people at top of the hill lol

The camera didn't come back out again until we were near the bottom when I heard their calls..."find us Linda ...we are your reward!!!!"

A Golden moment..crap pics but a dont care....

Well it sure was a day to remember and my body is recovering today....the smile shall stay on my face until I have told everyone who I can possibly tell heehee....

Thanks for looking and hopefully one day you will all be as lucky as me ;-)

Mission Complete

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)