Trip to Bempton Cliffs RSPB

Enjoyed a trip to Bempton Cliffs today with 8 lifers!

The day started at 6 O'clock, leaving Hemel Hempstead for Bempton Cliffs RSPB - A 4 hour drive!

Once arrived the incredible Tree Sparrows were my first lifer, exciting for me, although they may not be for others.

Next up were the extremely plentiful Gannets, my second lifer

Here are pictures from throughout the 4 hrs 30 minute day there

Next lifer was Kittiwake

Followed by lifer number 4 - fulmar

Number 5 - Razorbill, but no photo's (at least none that I thought worth editing or downloading)

Number 6 - Shag (actually not sure about this - could be cormorant - positive ID would be nice)

Number 7 was Guillemot - no photo's, similar to Razorbill

And finally Number 8 - Puffin (the main aim of the day - although only saw 2, and at a fair distance!)

Other birds were feral pigeon - or possibly pure rock dove?

Young gull, either Herring or Great Black Backed (if the latter then that would be the 9th lifer of the day!)

And finally a kestrel

Thanks for looking - hopefully not to boring



  • No posts with Gannets in are boring Benji, they're fabulous :o)

    I could almost feel your excitement with your lifer list of the day, always such a thrill isn't it... well done on holding the camera still lol

    Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing
  • Very nice selection of photo's Benji, well done.

    We have been a few times to Bempton Cliffs, always a great experience :)
  • Lovely set, Benji. One of your gannets has a black iris, indicating it is a survivor of avian flu. You might want to email the photos of it to Bempton ( as I was advised to earlier this year.

    It's now several years since I first visited Bempton and I've never forgotten how wonderful it was to see (and hear!) all the seabirds. The gannets, though, have remained an absolute standout for me - they've been my favourite seabird ever since. You can never take, or post, too many photos of them!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Excellent Benji. You caught some great shots there. I have never been to Bempton Cliffs, but I have been to the Farne Islands a few times where I think there are a similar assortment of birds. I love to see Gannets, those lovely blue eyes and facial markings are truly beautiful. According to t'internet, East Yorkshire is a stronghold for Tree Sparrows, so you were in the right place, (not usually my forté). When I went to the Farne Islands this year at the end of June, there weren't many Puffins to be seen, usually there are thousands, but I have always tried to go a week or two earlier, and there's the Avian flu of course.
  • Oh, yeah - number 6 is definitely a shag. Their beaks are more slender than those of a cormorant.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Great set from a wonderful place - next time pop down to North Landing at Flamborough Head where you will probably get better views of Puffins as well as house Martins nesting under the cliffs.