Ullswater diaries Day 1 Part 2

After ItsaRobbo identified my mis-identified birds for me, I wish I'd taken more photo of UBB (Unidentified Brown Birds) that I assumed were Dunnocks, Whitethroats and Skylarks (more on these later.

Here' the Willow Warbler from behind.

There were Chaffinches galore, as I mentioned earlier, but additionally there were masses of insects. Driving around Ullswater was like driving around Britain in the past - windscreens get splattered by bugs. This photos shows what it was like in many places.

Peaceful cows - where I like them, on t'other side of fence.

Zooming in. I have actually been attacked by cows twice in the past. They took a disliking to me. They left my ex alone, but went after me. She was killing herself with laughter (with cows milling around her), as I jumped smartly over a barbed wire fence, and balanced precariously on a steep sided river bank.

The flies on this one's nose must be hell.

Wee bairn.

Blackbirds having fight in middle of road. Sadly only this photo came out in focus

Telegraph wires proved popular

Lovely yellow poppy. Loads around in shady areas.

Peony in grounds we were staying in.

As was this Rhododendron.

Swallow resting on a low wall of the grounds in the place we stayed.

Photographed through double glazing in shade - sigh.

Resident Wood pigeon.

Boats on opposite side of Ullswater. Note the flat calm. A feature of our stay until almost our last day.

This was an unexpected sight and bonus. Mystery was solved, as it belonged to a South African who had just moved into the area about seven weeks ago. Absolutely wonderful to have such a dramatic bird so close to us (it flew down and between us twice) and flying 'wild'.

Sadly, my attempts to photograph it flying were thwarted by branches and foliage.

And here

It flew to us, once it worked out there were humans across the valley, and got up to antics that parrots do.

Camera focused on tree behind. Sigh

This was a memorable and extraordinary start to what worked out to be a memorable and extraordinary week.

90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.