Why does the starling pinch my flowers?

Hi. I have a tiny garden, visited by a dozen or so starlings, who all currently have wives and children at home needing to be fed. I’ve taken out a mortgage to keep topping up various feeders! So why does one of them break off flower blooms and fly away with them? It’s had a bright pink osteospermum and today it broke off a yellow viola and flew off with it? Weird. Meantime, I’m increasing the mortgage to pay for feeding the large gang of fledglings who will arrive soon….

  • A quick google search threw this up a couple of times

    "Why do starlings pick flowers?

    European Starlings regularly adorn their twig nests with marigolds, elderberry flowers, yarrow leaves, and even willow bark — all of which are full of aromatic chemicals, which fumigate their nests and are thought to discourage pests and parasites."

    Another thought came to me. Perhaps to feed their young or themselves the pollen and nectar. Loads of protein and energy.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • Hi Angus. Both suggestions make sense, although it's very early in the season and neither flower seems to have much pollen or nectar. I guess our human senses aren't good at detecting those, though, the birds will beat us there. Thanks for these.

    I'm pleased to say our first three starling fledglings arrived on the fence today, with much noise and gaping beaks. They bring great joy, and lots of work for mum and dad!
  • Hi I was googling the same, I can confirm that a starling is hacking hte heads and leaves of various plants (one razed to the ground!) and taking them back to the nest that is conveniently located in my neighbour eaves! They have had verbena and 2 others (dont know what they are), I hope they top up their nest soon and let my flowers grow!
  • Phew, at least I'm not imagining it and they really do take leaves and flowers. They've certainly been prolific breeders this year - I've just counted at least 35 starling babies and some adults demolishing every scrap of food available, and that's been topped up twice! I have to keep apologising to the neighbours about the noise.