May Day! ( I Finally Braved the Farne Islands Boat Trip)

Been meaning to visit for a while since my kids went without me last year as some of you may remember.  They had blue skies in March and a lovely boat trip....

Mines was a tad different...Was over a 2 1/2 hrs drive and just after an hour or so on the road the sun disappeared...blooming typical  but we were getting chauffeur driven by my dad ...well he knows the roads well and would be rude not to take advantage of a free taxi.

Anyhoo we arrive about 11.45 and got booked on a boat (Billy Shiel's) at 12.30 for a 2 hour trip...was blooming freezing and lovely grey sky...

Boat time....

All good until we turned the corner out the harbour

OMG the sea was rough and I was getting constantly getting sprayed 

It was a rough ride out but we finally made it to the birds-and-wildlife 

I didn't predict how difficult I would be to try take pics whilst the boat was bouncing up and down...yep a felt sick lol...right enough if my moaning here's what I did get out of 1600 pics taken..whittled down to 106 decent ones to a few for yous lol

Only realised I saw a couple of Razorbill when I looked through all the pics

Puffins woohooo 

Walking on water

Guillemot Galore 

Oh just spotted a Razorbill in this pic aswell as a Shag on a nest

Now for the gulls

Seals next

Humans on the island doing very important work..whilst holding their breath I would imagine lol

Oh the only pic I got of Gannets!!!

Okay that's plenty much dont wanna bore you all to tears..

It was a good trip despite the choppy waters

But a fish tea soon sorted that when we arrive back on dry land

Thanks for looking...I won't be going back on a boat any day soon lol

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Oh dear, such a shame you had a rough time on the seas Linda, I sympathise, as my sea legs are not great either, so know exactly how you felt. At least you saw lots, did you count them!! Rofl Love the Puffins, yet to see them live. Glad you enjoyed your fish tea

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Fabulous set bringing back lovely memories for me and Mrs PB, thanks Linda. Make sure you go back when they allow landings again, it's absolutely worth it!
    Love the Kittiwakes, and of course the puffins, and the portrait of the shag, crest up was super Grin

    Thanks for sharing Thumbsup
  • You had great views of so many birds Linda. I do like the Puffins, not seen many myself. You have a good selection of photo's from the day :)
  • Thanks CL....count them!?! just glad I got some decent pics with my eyes ratting around in my head lol...15000 Guillemot am sure lol
    Nowt like a fish tea to warm you up at the seaside ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Cheers PB...oh a canny see them doing landings again any year soon can you? If and when a think it would be a couple of days visit to get the right weather conditions lol rather than a long day trip....despite everything it was an absolute joy to see so many birds!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks SM...oh amazing views and so very close at time I didn't know where to point the camera !!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • And a few extras from Seahouses

    And stopped at the Holy Isle on way back to sample some creme liqueur and buy some Mead lol

    Last but not least..forgot my only decent pic of Razorbill 

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Glad you got some good memories despite the grey skies and choppy sea! Me an' Billy are going to Seahouses at the end of June for a week, staying in a cottage about 200 yards from the harbour. We have been quite often, usually staying at the Bamburgh Castle Inn, right where the boats leave from, but the rates have become so expensive - over £1,500 pounds for a week's b&b! So I have decided to try a cottage. Where did you get your fish & chips? I think Lewis's is the best, just 50 yards or s up the high street. We will no doubt go on the boat trip a couple of times, but the good thing about staying there is I can hopefully pick a nice day - if there is one .. Slight smile

  • Oh thats great BD..hope the weather is good for yous. We went into the Bamburgh Castle Inn..looked at the menu and my dad (being the old scanner he is ) £28 for a chance was nice and warm in there aswell lol...we went a couple of doors up to Neptune as they served gluten free for my other half....the 3 of us were fed and watered for less than £50 but as you say everything is just so expensive it's no wonder why folk go abroad! Yeah it's great dogs can go on the boat trip aswell there was one on our boat and it was very well behaved.
    Look forward to hearing all about your holidays ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)