New Canon Lens - Pre-Order notification

I've just had an email from my local camera shop, saying that Canon have just released a new 100-300mm lens, and I would I like to pre-order one. I think I might get a couple - after all, they are only £11,499.00 each ... Fearful

  • Och aye order 2 just so you have a spare lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Having just picked myself off the floor, I pinched myself a few times to see I was awake, check the bottle of Highland Single Malt to ensure I have knocked a few back, then re-read t'post.

    Blimey, that's more than I paid for my car. OK it was secondhand, one notch up from basic entry level cars, but still, seriously. I'd be terrified to carry it around.

    I wonder if I could hire myself out as a bodyguard for anyone using said lens - presumably attached to top of range mega bucks Canon camera - as they wander around footpaths. Lots of shady characters to be found on footpaths. Reasonable rates, £30 an hour, plus expenses and travel costs.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • Gulp!

    I had a similar email from my camera emporium, and had to gasp for air after seeing the price tag.

    The lens is dedicated to the Canon mirrorless range, and while expensive, seems to have very good spec.

