Tree Hugging Great Spotted Woodpecker plus a surprise encounter.

Near the end of a day out in Suffolk, in the late afternoon sun, a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over our heads and landed near the top of a nearby tree.

Happy with it's selection it appeared to give the tree a hug.

It then shuffled up a few inches and hugged it again.

After about a minute of contemplation it flew off.

We followed this encounter with a walk along the Little Ouse in the hope of seeing Otters at dusk as we had done about a year ago.

No luck this time but what we did see in the post sunset gloom was a bird silently swoop into the tree in front of us and land, fortunately I already had the camera set for very low light and managed one good image before it flew off.

Until I got home and tweaked the RAW file on the computer I didn't know what we'd seen, a Sparrow Hawk it turns out.

The camera settings were f 6.3 at 1/80 sec and ISO 25600 at 400ml (800ml equivalent on Micro 4/3) and the results were much better than I expected considering the lack of light and a very good test of my new camera's capabilities.

Best Wishes,
