Pre Christmas Down the Trailway Again (21/12)

The purging continues, and now into the wetness that was Christmas week, weather started brightish then clouded over

Starlings with a bit of a shine....and a Sparra

An acrobatic Blackbird

Dunnocky goodness!

Very close Robin

Despite all the wet, a Grey Wagtail was low on my list of expected spots in the field the sheep graze!

And in a bit of flooding probably 1/4 mile from the river, I didn't expect Little Egret and Heron

As I watched the Heron stalked it's way across the pool

A Redwing stood proud

I was pleased to see a couple of Chaffinch, given how few I've seen in the last few months

I'm hoping they've been hidden away in the depths of the foliage like the next one was

And finally a couple of biggish fungi, unknown to me

That last one survived a good while, certainly into the 2nd week of January

So, I think that's the last of December dealt with, a couple from January to wade through, and then I think I'm all caught up

Thanks for reading

Stay Safe All