Peregrines at Newcastle upon Tyne.

Our local Peregrines looking healthy and together on their usual breeding bridge.

  • Unknown said:
    Thanks for getting back to me. The photos on the blue bridge look like the Metro Bridge, but the photos with the next box don't look familiar; they are not showing any blue paint. Whereabouts on the Metro Bridge do you think it is located? I don't recognise any area which looks like that.

    Before last year the pair nested on the King Edward Bridge in a nest box - prior to that they had been nesting on the bridge superstructure but had been getting unwelcome visits so a nest box was installed on the central bridge pillar. However many people believed it was badly sited as the chicks could get out of the nest box onto a ledge but then couldn't get back - I believe only one fledged, others fell into the river, died from exposure or attacks by big gulls.

    Last year a nest box was built on the Redheugh Bridge and they nested there. Unfortunately its a closed box so there's not a lot to see until the chicks get really big and venture out, but hopefully it is safer.  I haven't been down for a while so don't know how much the pair are around bonding at the nest site but they can often be seen roosting on the King Edward Bridge, on the leeward side.

  • Sorry, I just recognized the blue bridge.
  • Thanks so much for your immediate response. I really appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. I have never seen a peregrine [that I know of] and I live in Gateshead, where would be the best spot to go to to actually see one and recognise it? Either on the Redheugh Bridge or the King Edward Bridge....
  • Unknown said:
    Thanks so much for your immediate response. I really appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. I have never seen a peregrine [that I know of] and I live in Gateshead, where would be the best spot to go to to actually see one and recognise it? Either on the Redheugh Bridge or the King Edward Bridge....

    If you go across to the north bank and look across to the southern pylon of the Redheugh Bridge you will see the nest box right at the top.You may get a glimpse of the pair if they are visiting the nest box in preparation. 

    If not look on the King Edward Bridge Pillars. On all the pillars above the railway level there are large concrete squares - they like to sit on those usually on the side that is sheltered from the wind. They should be spending more time in the area of the nest box now for mating and protecting their territory so you should see them at some point. 

  • Thanks for those details. I was able to spot the nest box this afternoon. After sunset I noticed some movement near the nest box on the ledge which looked probable that it was the pair, however, due to the poor light at that time, I was unable to make out clearly what was going on there, but, I will definitely be back again to try for better views.

    By the way, I noticed a man walking along the north bank at about 4-4.30 pm who looked like he was interested in birds, was that you, by any chance?

  • N that wasn't me but I'm glad you have seen the location- I was there Monday afternoon for a short while but didn't see either bird but was talking to a chap who works just uo the road and cycles past every day and he sees them regularly. They obviously haven't taken up station every day. With it being a closed box we aren't going to see much of the female for a long time but fingers crossed for a good season.

  • Any news with the peregrines? Are they still around? I regularly go to check but have never seen them. Am I wasting my time or is there hope of me seeing them?

  • Not seen any this year on the bridges. There is always hope for next year button seeing roosting Peregrines is not a good sign.

  • I checked the box today and there seems to be signs that it has been occupied recently. Does anyone know any further details?

  • I saw no signs of peregrines the few times visited early in the season and none of my contacts have ever mentioned them to melter. Signs of life might just be down to gulls and or pigeons.