Odds & Sods 2023

After yet another successful year on the Odds & Sods thread, initially started I think by Hazy, it might be wise to kickstart the 2023 thread off.

Thank you to those who have contributed to last years thread, and there has been very interesting odds and sods in "Odds & Sods 2022" that aren't enough to place into a dedicated thread, which you can look back on the following link:


What better for me, and as yet, I've not ventured far, ewe know what I mean, with this lassie on Baddesley Clinton estate yesterday....

  • Heeeheee....no comment

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Aw she's gorgeous PB. a whole load of fun & mischief there ... Hugging. What is she called?

  • Like it ... Smile

    I wanted to call one of my previous dogs Boo, but the late 'er indoors said, 'I am NOT going out at night shouting Boo!' ... Confused

  • SnappyMac said:
    Hi BD, lots of options... I shoot RAW then create TIF files for those I want to keep using Digital Photo Professional 4 with some minor editing. I then finish off the TIF in Photoshop Elements by applying Topaz AI filter and any other editing. I re-save the updated TIF and create a JPG for posting. The TIF can then be used for prints and I avoid re-saving jpg's as the quality reduces. I try and only keep the RAW, TIF and JPG of edited files and delete the rest....


  • PimperneBloke said:
    Worse than a lab.... A springador.... And she's very springy too! My dad was the reason for the rolly eyes, he's not great (a bit of dementia and a bit unsteady) but mum's fine so will be in charge of exercise and training... Much like she was for the rest of the family

    OMG!  Scream

    Someone has their doggie training work well and truly cutout.

    Spaniels by their very nature, are not just a very intelligent dog, but need to be actively engaged, but they do give the rewards in return and are very obedient, with the right training.

    I'm sure this has been given some thought, if not, seek out a reputable dog trainer. They are invaluable, no matter how proficient you are with dog training, you get the added bonus of distraction from other dogs to reinforce that training.

    It's a shame you're so far south, or I could recommend a good dog trainer local to me. Ex police dog trainer, particularly with spaniels.

    There are likely to be dog training/activity fields/areas nearby. Some landowners rent a secure plot or field where dogs can be taken and allowed to run freely. They're great for training plus giving an open area for the dog to run free and burn energy off. Your vet should have details of some field and likewise dog trainers.

    But she's a lovely looking dog, a lovely glossy coat, looking very attentive, definitely ready to learn and please, and any mischief.....

  • Grey Wagtail on the pond pretty dark day.

  • Red Wing on a grey day.

    Cormorant obviously Rolling eyes 

  • On our very early walk this morning. Taken with my ancient Canon SX700 HS compact digital camera. Easy to carry in pocket when I don't fancy lugging a heavy DSLR/Mirrorless and lens around. The camera does struggle in low light.

    This female Roe deer was some 15-20m from us. She didn't budge. I assume she felt the stupid upright two leg things couldn't see her in the gloom.

    Redwing or Thrush or Fieldfare (experts to identify) feeding on Rowan berries in garden tree next to road.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.