In My Garden 2023

Another year been gone went!!! 

Last years here

I wonder what exciting wildlife shall show up in the garden this year

So to kick off 2023 in my garden  a couple of wee cuties from this morning (a cold and Frosty one)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Aw thanks CL...sorry your not dfeeling too great but glad your off work to recuperate and the weather is flaming hellish anyhow so best snuggle up way your new snuggly and get the films on ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Hope you're feeling better soon CL. There's a lot of people feeling a bit yukky at the moment ... Thermometer face

  • Thanks both, I have snuggled up all day, just finished watching The Lion King, got some oldies on the planner,
    The Damn Busters and Where Eagles dare and of course the usual soaps fix!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • OH and I watched the Dam Busters yesterday, such a good film with marvellous soundtrack!

    Get well soon!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Yesterday was another horrible gusty windy rainy day with the odd dry patch but the birdies still came..there was a rainbow briefly but was so brief by time I got the camera it was gone lol

    Redwings didn't hang about long

    My wee pal 

    Mrs BC at the pond

    And the goldie on the Niger

    Today is dry and hopefully get some pics later ;-)

    Thanks for looking

    Take care

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Wild & woolly day Linda, about the same way down here with another weather warning for high winds next couple of days! Good to see your birdies are managing to feed well though!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hope you don't get too much high winds and rain. Our forecast is the normal, wet and windy, but not gusting at 70mph.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • It's been a nice day today but bitterly cold...-2 tonight so had to empty the pond that appeared on the furniture cover, emptied the big waterfall feature and wrapped them all up tight in prep for the wild days ahead !!!!

    Sorry not a photo taken today as was at my favourite place ...the dentist lol

    Stay safe everyone it's gonna be a hogmany washout as always ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • So that's another year done and dusted with a couple of pics from today to finish off with

    Almost missed my flyby 

    More redwing

    Mr and Mrs GSW pretending to tolerate each other

    Mrs soon knew her place and took off

    Was a rather nice day albeit cold....(is that a Golden Eagle I see PB??lol)

    So I will end the garden thread now for 2023. 

    I think it's been a great year for visitors but one can never get enough ;-)

    Thanks all for following its progress over the year/s

    Who know what will visit next year!?!?

    Best wishes for 2024


    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • A lovely selection to finish 2023. It's nice to see the sun shining with you. Look forward to following your 2024 garden thread. I do believe it really could be a Golden Eagle!! PB will tell us otherwise!! Drizzly rain here today but forecast is light wind and rain, not that we will be going anywhere, both still struggling with this ******* cold! We do feel a lot better than earlier on in the week. Maybe that bottle of fizz to bring in 2024 will do the trick, at least it will give me a good night's sleep, hubby will have a glass to toast, and I will have the rest!

    All the very best to you Linda and your family, good health and happiness in 2024. CL x

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.