Peregrine falcon being chased by Carrion Crow

I had no idea what I was photographing when I saw a bird of prey being mobbed by a Carrion Crow around the nascent Longwater road nature reserve; aka Cemex Eversley quarry restoration.

The Peregrine was being chased all over the western part of the restoration, with me tracking the two as best I could. They eventually hit the deck, and flew along the northern part of the site, about 200m away from me. I was most surprised that I managed to get anything, given the cluttered background and speed at which the pair were flying.  Anyway, the Carrion crow broke off its pursuit when a whole load of gulls (e.g. grey) erupted from Finch pond and joined in the mobbing of the Peregrine falcon.

90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.