RSPB Loch Leven - photos from a short visit

I finally got round to visiting RSPB Loch Leven for a couple of hours this morning. The setting is stunning and there are a few different trails / routes visitors can take to see different wildlife. I tried the wetland and woodland trails, The former is very easy walking; the latter is what hill runners might call undulating. I expect to have sore quads tomorrow!

In terms of photos, the visit confirmed what I knew already - the combination of my photography skills + limit of my fixed lens camera isn't up to much! But here are some photos anyway - mostly of the scenery, which even I can't mess up too much.

The day started misty and gloomy but brightened later, although the mist reappeared at regular intervals.

Some nice autumn colours

Some wildlife

  • Lovely photos DB well done with the tree creeper and the red squirrel and the landscape photos are lovely too. It was the Red hot summer in1976 when I stopped the car at Loch Leven a beautiful spot, we were on our way to Fort William at the time. It is a place I have not visited since then but hopefully I would like to visit next year. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.
  • Oh that wee Red Squirrel is enough to make me wanna visit ;-) I think its on my list DB so thanks for the mini pre tour....lovely scenery and the wildlife ain't too bad either
    Thanks fir sharing ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • That looks to be a lovely area DB, I can't see me getting up that way so good to see your pics. Always good to catch a glimpse of a Tree Creeper and of course the Red Squiggie is always a bonus.

    Lot to learn