Does anyone want any Goldfinches ? :-)

Having started my foray in Garden Bird feeding at the start of lockdown(1) and wfh, i remember the joy i felt when we had the magic of our first Goldfinch visit the garden - 

Well 2 years later and we are inundated to the extent they are eating us out of house and home :-)      We now are regularly having 25+ Goldies visit at a time - along with their noise and the mess.   We tried a photo capture the other day to try to count them - we were upwards of 30 !

We've even had to put out trays to catch the food they drop, so as to enable all the waiting finches somewhere or something to eat,  the poor Robin and Dunnocks don't know what to do :-)

So - if anyone wants some lol - you're welcome :-)    

  • That sure is alot of golden mouths Dave lol..I take it you only feed sunflower hearts then? I get a fair few goldies aswell but I also put out Niger, suet and peanuts which other birds get to enjoy alongside the finches

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I will have some please. If you want to send them airmail and tweet me when they set off, I will be waiting ... Smile

  • Thanks Dave but I have my own, not as many as you but enought to cope with. Mine also like Niger seed, peanuts and seed.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Very happy to report I've just seen 2 Greenfinches travelling and feeding with the multitude of Goldfinches !

    Hopefully the start of more - even if it means more feeder points needed :-)

    As for other feeds - I do regularly have supplies of suet pellets , meal worms, porridge oats , sultanas out there - but have to be wary due to the large numbers of Starlings we also have visit - and being the amazingly adaptive bird that they are - they can clean out any other foods in a flash.