A Grebe or Two and a Few Others

Was out for the whole day on Wednesday as it was a lovely day...

Started off at Barons Haugh as we had seen lots there the previous evening but the light wasn't too good.

Buzzard right above me but time a got the camera out...lol

Into the hide and the place was pretty bare

Well apart from PBs mate making a show of himself lol

Checking his own reflection no doubt lol

Another flew overhead

Had a wee walk round to see if Kingie was in his usual spot but no just some WWs on a tree in the island

So we decided to go a wander down the river to the viaduct to look for Kingie and yes we say him and her fly past us several times...laughing no doubt lol

Went back up the other side of the river and this one was waiting for me ;-)

So that was all from the Haugh...jumped in the car and headed back to the SSSI that I saw the GCG in hope of better pics and here they are

Not much else was to be seen so it was off in search of another loch...Bishops Loch to be precise 

Grebes were there aswell lol

Wee Grebes aswell

Not sure what this coot was up to

Last stop was a village loch

Small loch but still had plenty wildlife 

Grebes seem to be following us

Mr tufty 

Some ugly wains

Time to exercise them wings

And thats all from our great day out albeit rather local...one day we shall venture further afield....hope you all enjoyed;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)