Oh no... PB's Gone All Teeny Weeny!

Fresh from acquiring a new camera, and a new lens, I thought I'd have a bash at some teeny weeny stuff.... I've no idea what any of the bugs are, but they're all on some sort of Willow tree. The first few were a case of stick the lens on, point, shoot and see what comes out in the wash

Trust me to start with bug porn!!

A shiny one

Who knew things that small had multicoloured legs?

To the naked eye, these just looked yellow....who knew?

A giant fly!

This looks like one BillysDad (I think, apologies if not) posted

It had started getting a bit murky, so I was about to head in when.... Don't you sometimes wish you had the other lens on?!

After the rubbish Hummingbird Hawkmoth, I decided to call it an evening, and do a bit of interwebbing settings/techniques, as I'd taken 173 pictures, and literally, that was all the usable one!!

The following day after work.... the Giant Fly again!

It's still black and yellow... but now there's a leaf vein for a bit of scale! (I should have put it in my kettle, for scale JoyJoy)

Shame about the leaf in the foreground, but who took the time to put gold leaf on the fly?

Don't jump, Wilbur

Wot you lookin' at?

Ohh... it's stripy under the wings!!

Green-Eyed Monster?

I can't wait to have a go at fly sized flies, not these little fellas!

All of a sudden, I heard a thrumming noise above me....it was only the Hummingbird Hawkmoth come back.... I practically ran in and got the big lens.... fingers crossed I can get something half decent...

A brief skirmish between a Red Admiral, and the Moth... resulted in the moth going...

And a fly landed on one of the upper buddleia flowers

But them HBHM was back... (with a bendy wing, that Trevor mentioned in another thread..a mirrorless vagary if I recall correctly)

He spent a lot of time with his bum toward me!

The trick is to get a picture, when they're NOT feeding Wink

I hope you liked my first journey into Mirrorless Littleness. Lots of learning still to do, and the first thing is to learn to train a Hummingbird Hawkmoth, to be in SUNSHINE when I'm trying to take photos!!

Stay Safe All

  • Hi PB,
    A revealing visit to the world of teeny weeny critters and some cracking shots with the new kit.
    The HBHM's are the obvious stars, I've seen one or two this year but none that hung around long enough for more than a blurry picture, so well done getting anything let alone the great shots you did manage.
    The bendy wing effect is not strictly a mirrorless artifact, all digital sensors, mirrorless or not, can produce it, it's just that if you use the electronic shutter it makes the rolling shutter effect worse due to the different ways the sensor records in electronic or mechanical mode.
    Anyway a great start to your journey through the world of mirrorless photography.
    Looking forward to seeing more,
  • Been away, glad I didn't miss this post, fabulous shots of the HM, it is a moth I have looked out for with no luck. Good luck with your new set up, those small insects will keep you busy, at least you won't have to travel so far now!!

    Lot to learn