First day out at Minsmrere this month.

I've not been to Minsmere for a little while, so I thought, could I see the up to 6 Glossy Ibis that have been reported recently..

Being early enough that there weren't many people about has it's benefits, a Muntjac Deer on the path.

Down on the beach the Common Terns were back and forth out to sea fishing.

View from East Hide

After at bit of effort, got it.

Limbering up.

And off.

Near South Hide, a Reed Bunting where I always see one.

A few feet further on and a Cetti's Warbler makes itself heard somewhere in a nearby bush, but hidden as usual.

Then I hear it again, to the left this time, and unexpectedly in the open in a dead tree.

It hopped about but stayed in the open, singing occasionally.

It even waited while I move around to get the twig out shot.

Then it gave me one final classic pose before flying off.

While I walked along thinking how lucky was that, I saw this female Bearded Tit in the open outside the Wildlife Hide.

From the Bittern Hide some distant views of a Bittern, my first this year, then some Marsh Harriers.

I was watching a Male when he shot straight off at speed and confronted another male.

Just to the right of the Bittern Hide I heard another Cetti's Warbler, could this be an extra lucky day.

Looking into the small tree where I heard the call I found this instead. A pair of recently fledged Blackcaps.

They were very deep in the tree and I needed manual focus and a very small angle of view to get a picture.

Very soon the parents turned up, so I left them to it.

Near the visitor Centre, the Sand Martin nests. Difficult getting pictures of a moving bird against a similar coloured background.

You may have noticed, no Glossy Ibis, there's always next time.

Best Wishes,


  • Just to clarify, the pictures of the young Blackcaps were taken a few feet back from the tree they were in and from a path. They are cropped pictures taken at 800mm (Micro 4/3 equivalent) and I was just lucky that the only line of sight through the leaves was at my head height, any movement and I couldn't see them at all. I don't advocate getting too close to wildlife, but sometimes if you are quiet and still, the wildlife may come to you.


  • The Terms are spectacular Trevor, and you know your in for a good day when a Cettis sits and poses for you! Well done capturing the Marshies interaction and well spotted for the Blackcaps. It's ages since I've seen a beardie, so thanks for the reminder what they look like lol Thanks for sharing your trip Grin
  • Stunning photos!!
    Never made it to Minsmere but was a regular visitor to Dunwich and Dunwich Heath. Looks like I will need to make a visit there soon. Thank you for sharing. Wow.
  • Wow, what a stunning set of photos and sightings, doesn't get much better than this Trevor and to get a Cetti's in view with such clarity, just wonderful so thanks for posting up. To see one of those would be a treat so bonus to be able to share your day out at Minsmere; we've still yet to visit it but one day. !!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Well you were just slacking there Trevor, no Glossy Ibis!!!!!!!
    I would think the Cetti's Warbler more than made up for that out in the open posing for you, fantastic, and of course the female Beardie too. Then the young Blackcaps were such a lucky find, amazing post again, thanks for letting us enjoy your walk also.

    Lot to learn

  • Hi Ed,
    Many thanks.
    Minsmere is one of my favourite wildlife destinations, largely because of the variety of habitat and often I will walk north up the beach and take in Dunwich Heath as well.
    They make a good long day out together.
    Hope you make it soon.
  • Hi Everyone,
    Many thanks for generous comments, I do feel I've had an above average run of luck with sightings recently and it almost makes me forget the many near misses I've had over time.Grin
    Best wishes,
  • Another post that should be bumped up in case some missed it. Wonderful photos and not many can achieve a Cetti's in full view and this clear.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Cracking photos Trevor, and how obliging of the cetti's warbler to accommodate you moving position for a twig free shot. The marsh harrier action shots, were stunning.

    Thank you for sharing.