For those of you who haven't already met My fantastic Mrs below
And NOW I would like to introduce Fantastic Mr Fox!!!
He is too skittish the now compared to Mrs who barely moves an inch if I stand outside, glad to finally see him in decent light.
Hopefully one day soon he too will become content with the hand that feeds him!!!
Well that's all I got of him so far so back to my gorgeous girl....
Thanks for looking. Hope you enjoy my fantastic foxes as much as I do ;-)
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
So it's been a wee while since I last posted on my gorgeous family of foxes. They are still visiting every night but mostly when it's darker now so not often I can get a decent pic...put the trail cam back out again aswell and this is what it picked up
Mum still sharing when she feels like it
There is a smaller fox but it's always hiding in the undergrowth as you can see..only just lol
And my gorgeous girl popped in just as we sat at the table with a full chicken lol
Hope you all enjoyed the update
I alway enjoy the updates, they're amazing ...
Always enjoy the updates, keep 'em coming.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Just as a side note, trailcam observations, after the summer nights of entering the garden more or less at the same time, give or take 20 mins each way, our foxes are starting to enter the garden earlier at night, and staying later in the morning.
That will be due to the earlier sunset and later sunrise times, which makes interesting time changes in relation to the sunrise and sunset times.
However, one thing hasn't changed, around 30 mins before, I get up, and that is pretty stable almost within 5 mins each way, they wander off.
An interesting body and seasonal clock set up.