Swift arrival

Despite  being  a bright  sunny day the very  strong  winds made it a  bit hard for  me  to breath so it was only a short  visit  to  our  local reserve. As soon  as we got out  of  the  car we had Blackcaps,  Garden  Warbler and Sedge Warblers  singing  frantically  even though  the strong  winds made it difficult  to  hear  them. As we  started  to walk round the reserve  Chris  spotted what we had hoped  to see, Swifts. Soon it seemed  like the  sky was full of Swifts darting  everywhere. As the winds were coming  from the South  we think the Swifts were  being blown  in front of the weather as according a couple  of people  eho were there  earlier there was no sign of them before  lunch. A worthwhile  hour but I was happy  to  get out of the winds


Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can