A walk this morning

Thought I might see a few butterflies here at Cors Goch, local nature reserve, but no meadow brown, copper just a few small white and one fly past of an orange tip which didn't want to introduce itself.

Then next field I came across this lovely Bullfinch

Evidently collecting seed

Female?   help please as it could be a Warbler!!

Spied these tadpoles, being harassed by the boatman

Pippit of the Rock type

Not at all sure about this little one, Reed Warbler maybe ??

This is back home and the youngster came for some pastry, coming every day even though it's Dad is not too happy

All for now, went up to have dinner with my daughter and family, where luckily I had taken my camera in case ......and it appeared, will add in a bit.

Lot to learn

  • So pleased to see him/her again, running around just like a mad March hare is supposed to do


    He turned and hared it back down the field.   :-)

    After dinner we sat outside and we had another visit, right through the garden as blase as you like, saw us and just kept a steady trot back to the field!!

    Hope you enjoyed them as much as I.

    Lot to learn

  • Lovely photos Gaynor, and nice to see the hare, I've not seen hares for, tooooo long.....

  • How nice of the flutterby to sit and pose for you Gaynor...love the Pipit of the Rock...Nice to see you out and about with the camera....get back out and get me more.!!!..its miserable here lol.
    Thanks for sharing ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Mike, and Linda, well today it has been chilly and then very wet, so no more photos until it tempts me again!!

    Lot to learn

  • Very nice to see- your warbler collecting nesting material is either a Chiffchaff or a Willow warbler( twigs etc covering all the bits that wouldn't help determine) which, your Pipit of the rock type is a Meadow Pipit though I suspect that you knew that and were just playing with words. Your other mystery is a Common Whitethroat.
  • Super stuff Gaynor, thanks for sharing :o)
  • Wonderful shots Gaynor. I haven't seen a hare or a rabbit for ages. Of couse you know the best way to see great wildlife ... leave your camera in the car! I've done it loads. I have also carried loads of kit for miles and seen nowt! ... Confounded

  • Thanks for the id's Bob, of course I knew the Pippit was a Meadow reallllllly!!!! Common Whitethroat I am pleased with as don't think I have found them very "common" before, at least I managed to id the tadpoles!!!!!
    Thanks PB and Billysdad, I agree with leaving the camera behind ensures you always get something appearing, in fact it quite a saying in the family now, bring your camera Nana, and of course now the Grandson has a camera of his own I can always grab his:-)

    Lot to learn

  • Well done Gaynor with the hare photos, I remember as a child I saw loads of hares where I used to live, we lived next to fields and hills and was so lucky to see them dart off while walking down the hills in the long grass.

    .Not so long ago I went back to reminisce my years as a child and walked slowly down the same hill that I used to see the hares, hoping for a hare to dart off like they used to but it was not to be. I may have been just unlucky or over time they may have found pastures new but it was nice to be back to remember my childhood memories.
  • Thanks ilrobins, lovely to return to your childhood memories but sad that you didn't get to see the hares again, so many things have changed over the years, I wouldn't like to return to South Wales where we walked so much and enjoyed the countryside as children, wandering free and easy with no worries. I remember particularly the song larks soaring above as we walked along the golf course, and up a nearby mountain, even here we used to see them as we walked along local beach, gone now. Very sad. On the brighter side my daughter regularly sees the hare as it courses a couple of fields behind her house, so got to keep smiling.

    Lot to learn