Elmley NNR Kent

First real trip out looking for wildlife this last week end staying with friends in Kent and we paid a visit to Elmley on the Isle of Sheppy. A privately run reserve on the River Swale. 

Not many pictures as quite tricky trying to hold a camera with left hand in a full splint.The site is teeming with wildlife birds and mammals.

We saw and heard hundreds of Lapwing, 4 Marsh Harriers, Shoveler, Bittern Booming, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Reed Warbler, Cetti, Swallow, House Martin, 2 Stoats with prey, Brown Hare, at least 6 seen.

As we drove just 12ft from the road Coot nesting

Further in a Little Owl, the light was very difficult at this point & only one decent picture.

Pheasants everywhere

Beautiful Brown Hares

Finally a Grey Heron on the way out.

  • Short eared owls that’s a shame, hope your hand heals quickly after your OP
  • Tony you sound as if you have been through the mill, as they say, hopefully you will soon be feeling the benefits of the operation and mobility will improve.

    Lot to learn

  • Tony T said:
    Thanks Mike it was tricky & nearly dropped the camera a few times.

    I have two different shaped splints that go from forearm to over finger tips, a hard plastic which will bend in hot water or under a hair dryer in order to mould them, another 2weeks wearing at least I think.

    I have seen the type of splint you mention.

    You may or may not be aware, I had a large cage around my lower right leg for almost two years, and while in outpatient physio, I saw many contraptions used to support various parts of the body, legs, arms, torso, fingers and even necks and spines.

    Good luck with the recovery, I hope all goes well.

    Post accident surgery, I have a few mobility issues, balance being one, and because of that, I always have my camera strap attached to the camera and around my neck, likewise the long lens.