Nest Building Has Begun..Share Your Pics Here

I thought it maybe a good idea to start a thread  for us all to share picture of birds collecting their materials to build their nests. I have spent the morning watching a female black bird take lots of material from my garden and over the fence, even saw her dip her material in my fountain...must has been because the ponds were occupied at the time with other birds!

I will kick it of with my lovely BB then....

And her raiding the larger pond...saves me getting the net out lol

Please feel free to add your pics and stories here of our lovely wildlife hard at work

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Maggies turn today...

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • The recent warm weather has seen a flurry of activity around our nest boxes.

    This rustic box made for us by a friend has been used every year and is currently being inspected by Great and Blue Tits, sometimes one straight after the other.

    This decorative box is quite near to the rustic one (about 20 feet away on the other side of our patio) and is also regularly used.

    Inspecting nearby food sources.

    The Great Tits back for a second viewing.

    Also in the patio area there is a lot of Wren activity, sometimes picking straw up of the patio and disappearing into nearby Ivy.

    The rustic nest box appears to be claimed by the Blue Tits and they have now started collecting cat fur that we put out for them. Our cats are untreated indoor cats.

    Best Wishes,


  • Those photos are wonderful Trevor. I particularly like the ones of the rustic box with the Great Tit - numbers 10 and 11 - I must try to make one. I also like the one with the Blue Tit hanging upside down - seems rather a difficult way to reach that bud! I have had no serious interest in my box at all this year yet. Just a few tyre kickers. I live in hope yet :-)

  • Late summer last year our garden was busy with Finches, Green, Gold and Chaffinch but they mostly disappeared in the Autumn, presumably for the Autumn crop of seeds. This Spring they have slowly come back with the Goldfinches and Greenfinches collecting nest material we put out (untreated cat fur from indoor cats).

    These pictures are a bit soft because they were taken through double glazing.

    Best Wishes,


  • Here's a couple I took from my garden today. They were nesting in the chimney of the house about 50 yards away. The sky was very pale white, so I Photoshopped a new one In .... Wink

  • No pictures, I'm too lazy to carry one. but on Friday we were watching two Red Kite nests one with a female sitting. We were not sure if she was brooding or just sheltering from the bad weather. Both nests were successful last year so fingers crossed


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Mrs Blackbird collecting some mud for the nest. Taken yesterday down our local woods by a small stream

  • Love those rustic nest boxes Trevor, no wonder the birds are interested in them. Fab photos as usual, the one with the blue tits with all the nesting material is brilliant.

    Lot to learn

  • Daniels Brook Woodpigeon nesting in a tree hole

  • Took this one today of a Goldfinch collecting it's nesting material :-)