Bold Robin 2022

Since March last year we've had a tame Robin take meal worms from us in the garden and he's been through a long story with us. Finding a partner, raising two lots of children, moulting etc.

If anybody missed it the whole story is on the link below.

This is our tame Robin coming for his favourite live mealworms.

In January he started to be accompanied by another Robin.

She would come down for worms if I put some down and stood back a little way and is gradually getting bolder but not quite taking them from the hand yet.

Now the male has started to feed the female regularly and set me the challenge of capturing the hand over. Mostly she's just in the hedge so I can't get a side on shot and he's in the way of the moment of passing the worm most times.

When not taking worms he's often in a tree just the other side of our hedge singing.

This morning I put the tub of worms down and he fed her straight from the tub, he gives her up to 6 worms at a time taking the odd one for himself.

Hopefully other interesting year will unfold for our Robins.

Best Wishes,


  • How lovely that they still come to feed from you, so envious. I have a new Robin this year who is still a bit skittish but hopefully will come nearer in time, never had them on my hand though. I do have a tamish Blackbird who looks a bit worse for ware, don't know if he has been scrapping or just a poor dad from looking after his young. He comes when I shout/whistle and gets his suet pieces, he may get tammer.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • We have a couple of Blackbirds who have learnt to occasionally turn up when the Robins are feeding and hop around quite close but will only come for worms on the ground. The female spent 5 minutes having a bath in our pond right in front of us this afternoon while we were sitting in the shade having a cup of tea only 3 or 4 feet away.
  • Wonderful to have the company of the Robins as you do, it never ceases to amaze me how confident they become, and of course feeding them when they most need it is always such a good way to earn the trust. They both look as if they are in moult now, have you seen any youngsters yet Trevor. Having lost Titch back in March, I have had what could be his missus in and certainly a youngster is becoming quite friendly, always good to keep my hand in:-)

    Lot to learn

  • Hi gaynorsl,
    Both Robins are steadily getting more tatty and as they lose more feathers they are getting more cautious and the male has now lost all his tail feathers.
    They did appear to manage two families this year and I did see some of the youngsters but not as many as last year
    Sorry that you lost Titch, my wife and I always worry when we don't see our Robins for a day or two, they are definitely keeping a lower profile until they get their new outfits.