Portland.... the other side!

Normally I tend to head to the eastern side of Portland based on ease of parking, but last time I was there a chap said I should try the other side (which is part of the South West Coast Path I think) for an elevated view of Kestrels amongst other things... today dawned bright and sunny, so Mrs PB and I decided to give it a go. (If we were organised and had any sausages, we would have gone to Slimbridge instead, but we're off work soon, so will plan visiting there for then!)

Looking over the cliffs there were many gulls wheeling about, both Lesser and Greater Black Backed, and Herring, for sure, but also some of those tricksy not quite adult/ not in full plumage so-and-so's...

The inevitable Stonechats were flitting along the landward side of the clifftop, but a smidge too distant for crystal clear shots

It must be a herald of springtime, as the constant song of the Skylarks was in the air, along with some of them, practising some low level flights (not 100% the one on the rocks is a skylark, but hey... where's the harm!)

A number of Crow's were about, both along the cliff, and lower down amongst the tumbled down boulders

A view along the cliff top, towards Chesil Beach

The chap was right about sighting Kestrels, so I'll just pop a few in here, then do another fully Kestrelled post too Grinning

Someone stole his head!!!!

Stonechats were still flitting about, I think it was only one pair, but they were pretty mobile

The gulls were fond of the sound of their own voices!

There were a good few Jackdaws about, but none being particularly photo-friendly

And a flock of pigeons every now and then whirred overhead

I hadn't noticed the black wingtips of Kestrels before, possibly through not seeing them in flight from above! (Rubbish pic, but illustrates the point lol)

And to prove I can almost get them in focus

A svelte Crow!

I think a Skylark again,

And a final Stonechat that got the hump coz I didn't take enough pics of her!

I hope you enjoyed our trawl down the West side of the Isle of Portland, and I look forward to seeing you again in "Kestrel-fest" or whatever I decide to call it when I post it tomorrow lol

Any corrections (and any ID's at all for the gulls) gratefully received

Thanks for reading

Stay Safe All

  • Nice to see you and Mrs PB out and about again ;-)
    What a lovely view from the cliff tops....
    A will leave the IDs to Robbo this time lol
    Looks like you both had a great day with plenty birds around for you to photograph
    Thanks for sharing ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Linda, there's a nicer view of the the full curve of Chesil Bank, but we were further down the Isle than I realised, I'll have to find somewhere to stop off and snap it next time I'm there with blue skies. (If anyone is in the area, the view from the Heights Hotel is pretty good, if I remember correctly!)
  • That looked a good day out, sun, lots of birds, and a special, a headless kestrel....

    I've not long seen the Countryfile weather forecast, it looks like many of us are back to the cloud and showers.....

  • Smashing photos in the lovely sunshine PB especially the Skylarks,, we used to hear them constantly years ago while down at the beach, but sadly no more. Kestrel and Stonechats, and the various gulls, you spoilt us again, you'll have to take more holidays:-)

    Lot to learn