All about insects 2022

I'll get this one started off with a Marmalade Hoverfly  -Episyrphus balteatus

who was enjoying the sunshine and shelter of the patio

Cin J

  • That’s a very good close up of a bee fly.
  • I saw a gnat this evening I didn’t really get a picture of it though someone was here tonight that isn’t interested in Wildlife and doesn’t like gnats. It was in the sink and it didn’t want to come out of the sink so I just put something out for it to crawl onto and then put him out for now. I saw him in the garden when it was sunny  earlyer but in the evening the temprature dropped so much the air was freezing cold. And the door was open alot cause the person had a dog. so The Knat probably came in by acidant or was attracted to the warmth. I saw lots of invertrevretes today most of them were in the sunny part of the garden and not the shaded part they were pollinating a flower bush

  • Zo Clark said:

    I saw a gnat this evening I didn’t really get a picture of it though someone was here tonight that isn’t interested in Wildlife and doesn’t like gnats. It was in the sink and it didn’t want to come out of the sink so I just put something out for it to crawl onto and then put him out for now. I saw him in the garden when it was sunny  earlyer but in the evening the temprature dropped so much the air was freezing cold. And the door was open alot cause the person had a dog. so The Knat probably came in by acidant or was attracted to the warmth. I saw lots of invertrevretes today most of them were in the sunny part of the garden and not the shaded part they were pollinating a flower bush

    Gnats/midges are not easy to photograph.

    For me it is still chance photography. Where possible I set the camera up on a tripod with the remote shutter release connected, using a fast shutter speed, typically 1/2000 depending on the available light which usually isn't too bad, when one gets into to view, focus using AF, then select manual focus, and wait. Once one or more get to the right point, click away and hope for the best

  • Thanks. Im usualy good at takeimg pictures of them but It wasn’t a good Knat  day that time I didn’t have much time to take a good picture that day this time. 

  • Yesterday 

    Golden Dung fly 

    Cropped version 

    Today. gnat 

    Like the first golden dung fly photo this one i hasnt been cropped

  •  It wasn’t exiteing that the wasp acidently got in but that I managed to help him.  I found a Wasp in the living room it was very tired and drained so I gave it some Butterfly soloution on a leaf. later I put the leaf outside I saw some Hoverflys so it was probably good weather for flying. even though the sun wasn’t out  the air felt very warm in a particular part of the garden so I decided to get a leaf with no sugary solution at all and take him over there. I found my insect shelter and put the leaf with him on it in there. then he investigated and started practicing getting his wings going at first he held on to the shelter with one leg when practicing.  and then he went right to the top and managed to get them going properly he managed to fly. and then he caught a column of air and  went round like a spiral to the top the top was the biggest circle and then he flew round the Garden and flew off.

    Here’s my photos. Its the  first Wasp I seen this year

  • A buff tailed bumblebee enjoying some green alkanet

  • I think that’s good. I’ve taken photos of lots of insects And invertrebetes in the garden since I only went for a ride in the car in the back round the local area. So mainly looked at Wildlife in the garden. It was very humid which is good cause otherwise there wouldn’t of been much Wildlife to photograph.

  • Longitarsus dorsalis 

    this guy snuck on my hand while I was talking photos