Butterflies and Moths 2022

Thought I would kick this years thread off with the beautiful Peacock  spotted today - I have had quite a few moths around the front door but not deployed the lights recently 

Edit: 2021 thread can be found here community.rspb.org.uk/.../butterflies-moths-2021

Cin J

  • Zo, what are you using for your id's? thats not a British/European species - I would think it's more like Cacoecimorpha pronubana -Carnation Tortix

    If you are using an App like iNaturalist be cautious as it has a very strong American bias, I'm currently trialing Obsidentify which is European based and so far it's proving pretty good - when it's not 100% sure it at least sends me in the right direction to find the answer in books esp when Im dealing with plants

    Cin J

  • I did think it might be abit absurd so I decided to look into it and Iv only just seen your comment. I probably should of looked into it before labelling which I normally do.
    Iv removed the Name so it doesn’t mislead anyone until it’s been identified. .
  • Walked my transects today, getting them done early as prepping for travels this week.  I'm so glad I did - numbers were a little low on my first site but Bear got to say hello to lots of people and then we watched about 1200 motor bikes take nearly 20 minutes to negotiate a hairpin bend on a big charity ride out . I only took the phone out with me for photos

    Clouded Silver moth

    Speckled Wood investigating the salt on a Limpit shell

    After I dropped bear home I headed off to my second and longer site.  When I got there I had one of those internal conversations - was it worth it?  the wind had picked up and there was some cloud about and, and ... but I pulled myself together and set off and with the big camera -  I have been concerned about the low numbers and worried about the really poor showing of Common Blue 

    Pleased to say that Common Blue were about at my favourite part and I also saw Small Heath and decent numbers of Green Hairstreak

    But the one that left me with a really big grin on my face was this very unexpected delight 

    Long-tailed Blue

    Cin J

  • Some lovely spots there, never seen Long-tailed Blue or Clouded Sliver Moth.
  • A couple of days ago, before the rain started, this Green-veined White allowed me lots of opportunities to get some nice shots of it on some Sweet Rocket(I think).

    Best Wishes,


  • Some properly good shots there Trevor, well done, and thanks for sharing..... What did you bribe him with? Lol
  • Excellent Trevor, such a wealth of clear detail!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Wonderful shots Trevor. They are all excellent, but if I had to choose I would pick numbers 2, 5 & 6 as my faves, closely followed by the others ... Thumbsup