Butterflies and Moths 2022

Thought I would kick this years thread off with the beautiful Peacock  spotted today - I have had quite a few moths around the front door but not deployed the lights recently 

Edit: 2021 thread can be found here community.rspb.org.uk/.../butterflies-moths-2021

Cin J

  • It does appear to have 'broken markings' at the wing tips as compared here where it compares the upper side of a Green Veined White to the upperside of a Small White.

  • This is where being in the field and comparing with 'your mental picture' comes into play. You rifle through the files to compare what you know against what you see. With Whites you can get abb. forms that throw you - so a Green-vein may have no veining or you could find a pink Large White

    Cin J

  • Sorry for the wait I not long came back from a walk when I replied and I didn’t have long to look into it after unfortunately cause I had to have lunch very early since someone was going to pick me up and take me round there house in 10 or 15 minutes. Then they wanted me to identify something for them also. It was a Common Cockchafer Beetle. I suspected that your moth might likely be a type of micro moth rather than the Moths that aren’t classed as Micromoths so I did look into some of the micro moths after. but I had to stop halfway to have lunch and get ready to go. The Moth is a Micro moth. Unfortunately I didnt have much time cause I was out for the day. Sorry about that. But I’d go with what Germain said while I was out.

    This link has some photos of the Moth Germain said

  •  Butterflys and Moths I saw yesterday and today 

    Edge Common 

    5 Spot Burnet Moth 

    Holly Blue Butterfly

    Green Hairstreak


    Speckled Wood 

  • Another sunny day in the garden on Friday and I saw this male Orange-tip posing nicely. His attention was soon taken by a female turning up.

    It was soon apparent what attracted him.

    She flew off and I thought it was all over but she settled on a nearby flower and he followed and they carried on for a short while. 

    It looks like we'll be seeing more Orange-tips sometime in the future.

    Best Wishes,


  • Amazing Photos Trevor to capture, well done you
  • Excellent shots Trevor. I particularly like numbers 3 and 4. Well captured!
  • I put this in jar months ago, and today I see this emerging, any ideas? EDIT... Thanks to Wendy think a Privet Hawk Moth....

    This empty shell outside of jar, I tipped on its side int he hope when ready can fly


  • Brilliant photos Trevor of non mating behavior. She is actually telling him that she has already mated but he is being a bit persistent. She was probably seeking good egg laying spots and his perch was possible a good one. His hovering over her is pheromone spreading, had she been receptive to the aftershave they would have spiraled up into a courtship dance before pairing. They stay in cop for a long time. It’s to prevent other males getting in on the act, but you can see other males sometimes trying to knock the first male off … this applies to all butterflies and moths. I once walked for over an hour with a pair of Green Hairstreaks on my arm

    Cin J

  • Looks like a Privet hawkmoth Kate, did it manage to crawl from jar to dry out &  fly?  If you ever get any more pupae it's best to put a stick in the container for emerging moth to climb up & cling to whilst wings dry!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr