Odds & Sods 2022

It's probably an ideal time to start the 2022 Odds & Sods thread off, with some squabbling starlings....

To view the 2021 thread, click HERE

This pair of starlings were having a right old go at each other, whilst another nipped in to the coconut shell for a food

  • Bumble bee photobomb. What triggered trail cam is Wood pigeon in background.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • From Sisters' field: Roe deer stag, sporting the latest in headwear. It's what they do.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • I think that the fluttering thing fluttering across this video is a bat. I don't think it is a moth. What say you?

    Daytime temperatures have been spring like this week. Admittedly, nighttime temperatures can be freezing, but nothing to deter hungry bats.

    What triggered my trail cam, was a Roe deer, whose flank you get a fleeting glimpse of in the bottom left hand of the video.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • Some from the garden.

    Cyril was posing nicely in the pre-sunrise light yesterday morning. I think he was trying to perfect the alignment of the bricks, and pushed it a little too far back.... Fearful

    And these wee guys haven't had much of a look-in this year, though they have been very active, the light hasn't favoured half decent photos. Both photos were taken using a circular polariser to reduce surface glare.

  • A couple of quick photos taken this morning from the balcony as we had a common buzzard perched in the weeping spruce tree and also have a nesting moorhen on the water beneath us.      Only quick pics taken with the DSLR camera but I won't be taking any photos now until I've completed eye surgery in May !       This time it's me booked in for multi-focus lens replacement on both eyes and not the 5Dmkiii.    !!        It's really cheaper to buy a new lens for the camera at almost £8,000.    Scream LOL.    

    Seriously though,  I won't be on here much for the next couple of months with two operations coming up shortly including the eye surgery when I will have to rest the eyes for a week afterwards - no photos, binoculars, reading, tv,  computer etc,      I will be having both eyes done on the same day (4th May) so come out of the eye hospital virtually blind with eye shields !!     Anyone got a white stick or Labrador I can borrow ?     lol.        

    I digress with the surgery update so here are the last photos for a while  ................

    bit blurry but I had to rely on autofocus to do the job as I can't see or carry out any adjustments 

    and shortly to be momma moorhen ......


    Regards, Hazel 

  • You won't be needing stick or guide dogs Hazel....May the 4th be with you, as Obi Wan said :o)
  • Still good photos Hazel.

    If I don't hear from you before, fingers crossed and wishing you all the best for the ops.

    Digressing, I miss the old split prism screens, that enable good manual focusing....

    That's progress for you, and you'll kick that in touch, no problem.

  • I like the weeping spruce and the Buzzie looking good too. All the best Hazy and you will be out and about in no time, you have to be anyway ready for the end of June in LM. , the Robins will be needing their mealies!!

    Lot to learn

  • More hoggie activity caught on the trailcams



    And a magpie enjoying a splash about in the newly installed bird bath (top left of the frame), well, fairly new, its been there about ten days now....
