Odds & Sods 2022

It's probably an ideal time to start the 2022 Odds & Sods thread off, with some squabbling starlings....

To view the 2021 thread, click HERE

This pair of starlings were having a right old go at each other, whilst another nipped in to the coconut shell for a food

  • Thanks Mike..got it bookmarked now ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Linda257 said:
    Thanks Mike..got it bookmarked now ;-)


  •  Lovely watch this wonderful little Grey Wagtail

  •  I wanted to jump into the stream - it was SO enticing

  • Not sure I'd want to jump into any stream this time of year, but they are brilliant photos, and wagtails are nice to watch, with their bouncy tail....

  • Thank you, the sun was in just the right place Slight smile
  • Thank you, they really are beautiful birds, aren’t they?
  • Kevin Brooke said:
    Thank you, they really are beautiful birds, aren’t they?

    You're welcome.

    They certainly are, but then I tend to have a soft spot for most birds, they all have their own unique character.

  • More badgers from Sisters' field, as I call it.  I had problems with my trail cam for a couple of weeks. First week, the trail cam support rotated through 90 degrees, and when I righted it, the thing was pointing in slightly the wrong direction - hence no substantial triggers.  Second week, I put a new trail cam out. Two problems: it was during the storm - and a branch/leaves movement would trigger the trail cam. Also its sensitivity was set too high. I set the trigger sensitivity to medium, which meant only big things would trigger it.  Anyway, a couple of badgers from a while back.


    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.