WWT Welney, 2nd Day

So, as planned, Mrs PB and myself trundled off to Ely, Monday morning, and had a good wander about. If you're ever that way, the cathedral is a delight. unfortunately the Stained Glass Museum wasn't open, but the cathedral windows were spectacular. We headed back after a leisurely lunch and decided on the Winter Hare Walk, which is open until dusk (the centre and hides are open 'til 4 in the winter).

On the noticeboard by the centre a late Common Darter was soaking up the afternoon sunshine

And as we walked around the first corner of the building a Kestrel was a joyous sight

The Hare Walk is around the outside of Lady Fen, which if I remember correctly, was created to assist with the dispersal of the Ouse flood waters

Overhead the sky was a stunning blue, making the Lapwings even more appealing

And higher still, we were reminded of our proximity to RAF Lakenheath

Another late insect, this time a Small Tortoiseshell

A Pheasant got the hump that we were walking within about 30 yards of it...If it had stayed still we wouldn't even have known it was there!

Distant, and again airborne, I think it's a Snipe

As it's a working bit pf fenland, the tractors were out in the fields, being trailed by flocks of gulls

And then, about 3/4 of the way around, we saw the reason for the walk.... the usual view! (The fence was electrified, and there to keep the Lawnmowers in!)

A less usual view

The sun was getting lower and lower, so the camera was struggling a bit from now on.... an even more unusual view

The path was along a ditch, and the opposite bank had numerous holes in, and we guessed at badgers, otters, foxes or giant earthworms, but we never found out, and out of curiosity I fired the flash down one... It must have taken ages for that beetle to dig that hole!!

Back to the other side.... more Hare action, or inaction!

I scanned across the field, and imagine my surprise..... not just Hare....but Chinese water Deer too!!

Hearing a distinctive honking we looked up....

And then moving on, another sighting of the deer, there were three we saw all told

Again, overhead...an unusual looking plane

And back to the ground... I think we have Cattle Egret, or Cattle Egret plus Little Egret...

And then, just to get Mrs PB really excited, a large flock of Starlings swooped over.... "Murmuration" she said....but no....just a massive fly-by

And then, believe it or not, it absolutely hammered it down with rain, so we scarpered back to the cottage, thinking that Welney is just getting better and better!

Thanks again for reading, part 3 will follow, but day 3 was better than the other 2 combined, so I have about 400 photos, already culled from about 1000, to decide which are the postable ones!

Stay Safe All