Odds & Sods 2021

Time to start this year's thread of odds and sods    (Last year's Odds & Sods HERE

Today a large flock of 40 or so Redwings descended on the fields around our local parkland and although they were pretty skittish and distant I hard cropped a few pics for you ....

and a blue tit landed nearby  !   


Regards, Hazel 

  • Love your Goldfinch tree, ILR, it is a wonderful sight. We've only seen that many all at once when visiting RSPB Frampton Marsh a few years ago in late August. The most we've had in this garden altogether is 8. I have high hopes for more by the end of the summer. I always think of them as living Christmas tree ornaments, and they have a wonderful song as well.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Your right Ann I was chuffed to see so many at once, I saw them fly into the tree and they only stayed for around five seconds before they flew off, looking at the photo I counted 40 of them. It’s nice to get them in the garden too, they usually turn up in mass but nothing like the same numbers. I have never counted them but six to eight would be my guess. It’s the same with long tailed tits and green finches. I am really pleased at the moment for the last two weeks I have had a female blackcap in the garden and it absolutely loves my home made fat balls and it feeds on them all the time on and off through the day. Although not seen the male for a number of weeks now.
  • I often look back at old photos, particularly under the current covid19 climate.

    Even sadder still, during the first lockdown, I organised seasonal/monthly collections which serve as a screensaver on my PC!

  • That’s not sad Mike it’s your memories of doing something you enjoy and now your retired you shall have more time on your hands to have a lot more.
  • Little owl in the local valley today. Used to post them quite a bit but since a gale blew down their usual resting place last year they have been a bit absent. Saw two today sat watching me as I passed but one flew off, still, hopefully its a good sign and there may be a few more eyes on me as I pass.

  • Well spotted Bob, definitely got his eyes on you
  • A Song Thrush in a neighbours Apple tree.

    He’s been singing here every day for over a week now, the closest we’ve had a Song Thrush to home for many years. :-)

    My bird photos HERE

  • Really lovely to see the little owl and the beautiful song thrush photos;   I'm seeing a lot more song thrush these days so hopefully their numbers are recovering in some parts of UK.      

    I haven't taken many photos at all but here's a couple taken on our balcony as we now have a wren visiting throughout the day....... so the live mealworm order just increased  !!

    ooh,   what's in here  ??  

    Nom....nom.... nom     

    and we have two (paired up) robins,  here's one of them        They are a lot more wary than the wren so don't think I'll be hand feeding them anytime soon !

    and with having the water garden in front of the apartment we have mallards doing close fly-pasts throughout the day 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Really nice photos Hazel, great photo of the Female Mallard in flight.
    Well done you
  • Always nice to see a song thrush Paul, the last one I saw turned out to be a Mistle Thrush !!!