Odds & Sods 2021

Time to start this year's thread of odds and sods    (Last year's Odds & Sods HERE

Today a large flock of 40 or so Redwings descended on the fields around our local parkland and although they were pretty skittish and distant I hard cropped a few pics for you ....

and a blue tit landed nearby  !   


Regards, Hazel 

  • Well done TJ lovely photos, that is a great bird to get in, I have never seen one here, I remember Christine getting loads into her garden that she used to put up a number of years ago.

    Lot to learn

  • We've been keeping our eyes out, but not seen one yet this winter, well-spotted TJ;

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • It seems Spring is almost upon us, even in the North! This week has seen the Skylarks suddenly appear in the park and start squabbling and performing their song-flights. We went from none to more than a dozen in a couple of days. Too grey to catch them in flight, but they were not that shy on the ground.

    And a local Dipper collecting nesting material - both the resident pair were present. Seems early to me, but it flew with it straight to their usual nest site ...unless it was just adding insulation for roosting.

    They might regret all this when the temperature goes back below zero next week!


    Nige   Flickr

  • Fabulous photos of the Skylark and dipper Nige, really cheered up this dull morning and good to know what's around in your local area and a welcome sight for when Mike and I can venture a little further from home. Yes, it's seems we're back to thermals again next week lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Wonderful shots, Nigel--thanks, and of two birds we do not see much of where we live, though we have seen Skylarks as specks high in the sky when visiting RSPB Pulborough Brooks pre-Covid. Your pics are a very welcome reminder that spring will come again, no matter how cold it is today.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Brilliant photos Nigel, I love dippers & always plan our holidays somewhere we'll find one. The Skylarks in spring really give you a lift, we don't get them where we are at home but they aren't far away, we get more Woodlarks.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Fab shots Tony.... not gonna mention Nige's as he abandoned us!! Oh, alright then.... still jealous of "your" Dippers Nige, and the punk Skylark is a super shot
  • Looks like the Tufty pairs are holding hands....bless!
  • Being close to the moors, most of the parks near me have Dippers on the rivers and the Skylarks often display on local scrublands as well as up on the moors ... but we certainly don't get Woodlarks. I reckon you'll have to find a Dipper when you're finally able to get around a bit more, PB, they must be somewhere reasonably close down there.


    Nige   Flickr

  • Got to be honest Nige, never seen any reports of dippers within probably 50 miles, I'll have to keep a keener eye out!