Reservoir Ducks!!!

No, not a new Tarantino film but from several days ago, when we had proper weather and I took the camera duck hunting on a local reservoir. You'll find out why later! First an immature Black-headed Gull apparently in need of a hairdresser.

There's a disused canal running by the reservoir and you know I like colourful reflections ...

I can't resist photos bursting with bright colours 

A Sparrowhawk made a mad dash across the path in front of me on the path back to the reservoir. Too quick for me, sadly, so no photo Rage However, I was really after a particular duck and it takes time to find just one amongst the crowds, but I was fortunate. It was happily posing in the best place possible.


A first winter male Scaup, close to shore, in the sunshine, in the part with nice colours reflecting off the water. Couldn't ask for better when you've gone to see if it was still around

Going under ...

And with lovely Autumn colours


Nige   Flickr