Travels Around My Garden

I haven't left the house/garden now for 17 days, ventured up the drive one evening to the road to see what the outside world looked like. Didn't look like it had changed at all, the church and graveyard still across the road, the daffs along the church wall have gone over and the trees in the churchyard are starting to leaf and the view across the valley to the River Glem looked just the same. Its all quite bizarre in many ways.

As a result obviously no photos of any trips/travels to post so I decided to have a wander around the garden as the weather was so good this past week, so the following is a selection of fauna and flora from the past few days.

Firstly some of the plants in flower, some type of Daff which has double and sometimes triple flowers on one stem.


Some kind of Vibernum

Hyacinths in full bloom

An acid yellow Euphorbia, Wolfenii I think.

A flowering Currant.

Fritillary about to open

This one looks like a snowdrop but is about 3x taller, called Leuconium something or other.

One morning the Moorhen was investigating the pond again.

Then back the other direction ...

The Blue Tits busy with new soft furnishings

Lots of Peacocks about in the sun

The Blue Tits inspecting their work, wonder if the paints dry yet.

Getting rid of some dirty bedding

The first Comma turned up and noticed it was chasing Peacocks in between sunbathing

The Comma as usual folded its wings to show of its very pale legs.

Another day a few Starlings turned up for a bath, I think their first visit this year.

Into my 3rd week "shielding" now and a new lens has arrived so hopefully will try it around the garden this coming week. I'll run out of gardening jobs soon at this rate ... thank goodness oh the Arthur-itis is complaining.

  • Love your selection of plants Tony and so does the wildlife by the look of the birds, butterflies in your garden. Good luck with your new lens, who needs to go out when you have such a good outlook just outside your door.

    Lot to learn