Collecting photos of some of my garden visitors. Thought I would share them and add more as ||I get them. Isolation giving me more time!
Lucky the sparrowhawk hung around long enough for a few shots
Jay a regular visitor
Surprised the Fieldfare and Redwing are still in the garden
Low flying Buzzard
Couldn't resist tis one!
New to my garden (in 35 years) pair of Treecrepers
Very distant Red Kite
Lovely song thrush (which I mistook for a Mistle)
Now a few of the regulars:-
Latest update from the garden.
Lots of nice insects here, just keep you eyes off my apples!
Insect hunt. Many visits today, must have a family near by
Cherries knocked off by the birds are a favourite with the fox
Don't know where Donald went, just mrs. around now (no sign of any youngsters)
I have many cherry pickers in the garden at the moment. Not too many left for me!
Yum a lovely ripe cherry
If i hide here he won't see me.
More sinister looking cherry picker. There have been a succession of Jackdaws visiting the tree
Finally a quick strut around the garden in the evening sunshine
Fruit picking is hard and the workers just aren't appreciated
Nige Flickr
Loving the photos David, and the fox is looking quite tidy.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Lots of bird song today in the hedgerow but not many photo opportunities.
Looks like this blue tit is a recent arrival or straight from the bath.
Another young Goldfinch hiding in the trees
Lucky to have a red kite fly past. Not too many in Essex
Not many cherries left now. They seemed to enjoy them and I managed one or two myself!
David said:Looks like this blue tit is a recent arrival or straight from the bath.
Looks like it's also found a strong air blower to dry itself afterwards!
A superb selection of photos David, and the blue tit, it could have had its: "feathers ruffled". Ok, I'll grab my coat and go quietly.....
If it's any consolation, bird activity here is similar, and likewise, not many cherries left here.
Latest photos....
Another Blackbird picture....but such a handsome chap had to be included!
Young Goldfinch I think.
Looks like a female Sparrow taking in the scent from my climbing rose. (Although she might just be hiding from me!)
I heard a noise overhead and saw David against Goliath. The Kite beat a hasty retreat (Hey you get off of my cloud)