Starting new thread with this tiny speedy critter (best viewed full screen) in real time, what moves this fast?
Be two snails racing up the wall next! Lol
Link back to 2019 thread ...
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Will do Wendy, I'm struggling to find a suitable container - they were off out of the air holes in the one I had put them in!
I'm using a moth inspection pot with a coffee filter paper clipped under the top to cover the air holes. Hope that will be sufficient for gas exchange? I understand people have used coffee filter paper in homemade face masks, so thought it should be ok.
Behaviour so far: mass hatching, all very mobile and none seen feeding at all. Available food is verbena leaves, verbena flowers and lavender flowers. None of the caterpillars are settled on those. I've also pulled up a tiny grass plant with little roots and put that in there.and I think some look like they're settling on the leaves, but too soon to tell really.
The caterpillars seemed mostly off up to the top of the pot, and they're rearing up, seemingly searching.
If picked up with a soft paintbrush, they curl up to a tiny dot. Some fall off on a fine thread. All of them seem to really want to be off!
Any suggestions as to what other food to try?